And then there's that beautiful video, the "we believe" video. Well lat me tell you, it worked,because I'm here!
And I want to thank in particular Sam Fong and Yaasha and all of the students who launched the "Dear Michelle" campaign. I am honored by your efforts and happy to be with you to celebrate this important milestone.
But I understand that this type of community-based letter writing campaign isn't unique tome. This community, this Merced community, employed the same strategy to help get the university of California to build the new campus here in Merced. Every school kid in the entire county, I understand, sent a postcard to the UC Board of Regents in order to convince then to select Merced, and I just love the fact that some of the graduates sitting in this audience today participating were involved in that campaign, as well, and then they used the same strategy to get me here. That is amazing. And what it demonstrates is the power of many voices coming together to make something wonderful happen. And I'm telling you, next year's graduation speaker better watch out,because Merced students know how to get what they want.