突破英语口语练习 独白篇 第7期
教程:突破英语口语练习  浏览:1166  
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      Tribute to New York City Firefighters颂歌献给纽约消防队员

      There are no words to express what we all feel for you and the courage you have shown in the face of unbearable loss. I salute you and your brothers and sisters who get up every day and go to work knowing that it may be the last. Who among us could imagine the sacrifice you would be asked to bear on that terrible day? Only you know how it is to continue every day in your struggle to clear away the rubble- both physical and emotional.


      注解 :

      1) unbearable a. 不能忍受的

      2) salutev. 向……致敬

      3) sacrifice n. 牺牲,献出

      4) rubble  n. 碎石,瓦砾

      上一篇:突破英语口语练习 独白篇 第6期 下一篇:突破英语口语练习 独白篇 第8期

