英语辩论赛话题精选主题07:手机是否为大学生的必备品(mp3 )
Cell phones are necessary for college students.
Cell phone makes interpersonal communication convenient and efficient.Therefore , I think they are necessary for college students to communicate and keep in touch with each other , which can strengthen friendships as a result.
As we all know, the most valuable thing is information in the 21st century. As a result , how to get the most up-dated information is very important for everyone. In this sense, cell phones can provide an effective way to get information timely, since they are becoming more and more advanced. With a cell phone , we can send e-mails , surf Internet , which will make us well-informed. Therefore, phones are necessary for college students.
众所周知,在21 世纪最有价值的东西就是信息。因此,获取最新信息对于每个人来说都是十分重要的。从这个角度来讲,日益先进的手机能够为我们及时获取信息提供一种十分有效地方式。拥有一部手机,我们可以发电子邮件,浏览网页,从而对于外部信息可以了如指掌。因此,我认为手机是现代大学生的必需品。
Cell phone are oot necessary for college students.
Nowadays, cell phones are owned by more and more college students. But for most of them , the most important usage of cell phone is to send messages. To some extent , it 's just a kind of entertainment for them, rather than a necessity.
Besides, cell phones can waste a lot of time. Many students send messages to each other rather frequently , becoming the so called "clan of thumb culture" ( 拇指一族). As a result, their talking are time-consuming and inefficient. Therefor, I think cell phones are not necessary for college students.
Cell phones are necessary for college students.
Cell phone makes interpersonal communication convenient and efficient.Therefore , I think they are necessary for college students to communicate and keep in touch with each other , which can strengthen friendships as a result.
As we all know, the most valuable thing is information in the 21st century. As a result , how to get the most up-dated information is very important for everyone. In this sense, cell phones can provide an effective way to get information timely, since they are becoming more and more advanced. With a cell phone , we can send e-mails , surf Internet , which will make us well-informed. Therefore, phones are necessary for college students.
众所周知,在21 世纪最有价值的东西就是信息。因此,获取最新信息对于每个人来说都是十分重要的。从这个角度来讲,日益先进的手机能够为我们及时获取信息提供一种十分有效地方式。拥有一部手机,我们可以发电子邮件,浏览网页,从而对于外部信息可以了如指掌。因此,我认为手机是现代大学生的必需品。
Cell phone are oot necessary for college students.
Nowadays, cell phones are owned by more and more college students. But for most of them , the most important usage of cell phone is to send messages. To some extent , it 's just a kind of entertainment for them, rather than a necessity.
Besides, cell phones can waste a lot of time. Many students send messages to each other rather frequently , becoming the so called "clan of thumb culture" ( 拇指一族). As a result, their talking are time-consuming and inefficient. Therefor, I think cell phones are not necessary for college students.