Taking off the last week in October. This is commercial free CNN STUDENT NEWS. Welcome. I`m Carl Azuz.
这是十月份最后一周了,这里是不含商业广告的CNN学生新闻,欢迎大家的收看,我是Carl Azuz。
Late last week, a doctor who treated Ebola patients in the West African nation of Guinea came down with the dangerous virus, but he was in New York City when he did. 33-year old Craig Spencer became the fourth person diagnosed in the U.S. with Ebola. He`s in isolation at New York`s Bellevue Hospital. Three people who`d been in contact with him are in quarantine.
上周晚些时候,曾在几内亚救治埃博拉患者的医生感染埃博拉,但是当时出现病症的时候他人在纽约。33岁的Craig Spencer成为感染埃博拉病毒的第四位美国公民。他现在在纽约的Bellevue医院隔离,曾与他有过接触的三人也已经在接受检测。
Three U.S. states also have new quarantine rules for people returning from West Africa who`d been exposed to Ebola patients. In Illinois, they have a 21 day home quarantine. In New York and New Jersey, they have a mandatory 21 day hospital quarantine. A doctor at the National Institutes of Health says the new rules could discourage health care workers from helping fight Ebola in West Africa. But he also says many Americans have lost faith in the federal government`s efforts to stop the spread of Ebola.
President Obama hugging nurse Nina Pham to show Americans the Ebola scare is under control.
奥巴马总统拥抱Nina Pham护士的举动标志着美国埃博拉疫情是在控制之下的。
Just minutes after her doctor did the same.
奥巴马此举是在Nina Pham医生拥抱了她时候发出的。
She`s cured of Ebola. Let`s get that clear, OK? That`s for sure.
I`m on my way back to recovery, even as I reflect on how many others have not been so fortunate.
I think this also should be a pretty apt reminder that - that we do have the best medical infrastructure in the world.
The White House given the alarm over a new Ebola patient a doctor in New York City, was quick to point out one of the CDC swat teams the president ordered was on the case.
I`m told that this swat team actually arrived in New York at the same evening that this individual was a confirmed Ebola patient.
But on Capitol Hill, a National Nurses Union leader called the overall response dangerously inconsistent and inadequate.
No nation would even contemplate sending soldiers into the battlefield without armor and weapons. Give us the tools we need. All we ask from President Obama and Congress is not one more infected nurse.
And Republicans continued to question why the president named a political aide, Ron Klain, to coordinate the effort.
共和党人继续追问为什么总统任命一位政治助手Ron Klain来协调工作。
Cite me all of his medical infectious disease, communicable disease, health care delivery background.
You know, one of the terrific things the government works together is that experts come together all the time.
I`m going to take that answer as he has none.
Taking off the last week in October. This is commercial free CNN STUDENT NEWS. Welcome. I`m Carl Azuz.
Late last week, a doctor who treated Ebola patients in the West African nation of Guinea came down with the dangerous virus, but he was in New York City when he did. 33-year old Craig Spencer became the fourth person diagnosed in the U.S. with Ebola. He`s in isolation at New York`s Bellevue Hospital. Three people who`d been in contact with him are in quarantine.
Three U.S. states also have new quarantine rules for people returning from West Africa who`d been exposed to Ebola patients. In Illinois, they have a 21 day home quarantine. In New York and New Jersey, they have a mandatory 21 day hospital quarantine. A doctor at the National Institutes of Health says the new rules could discourage health care workers from helping fight Ebola in West Africa. But he also says many Americans have lost faith in the federal government`s efforts to stop the spread of Ebola.
President Obama hugging nurse Nina Pham to show Americans the Ebola scare is under control.
Just minutes after her doctor did the same.
She`s cured of Ebola. Let`s get that clear, OK? That`s for sure.
I`m on my way back to recovery, even as I reflect on how many others have not been so fortunate.
I think this also should be a pretty apt reminder that - that we do have the best medical infrastructure in the world.
The White House given the alarm over a new Ebola patient a doctor in New York City, was quick to point out one of the CDC swat teams the president ordered was on the case.
I`m told that this swat team actually arrived in New York at the same evening that this individual was a confirmed Ebola patient.
But on Capitol Hill, a National Nurses Union leader called the overall response dangerously inconsistent and inadequate.
No nation would even contemplate sending soldiers into the battlefield without armor and weapons. Give us the tools we need. All we ask from President Obama and Congress is not one more infected nurse.
And Republicans continued to question why the president named a political aide, Ron Klain, to coordinate the effort.
Cite me all of his medical infectious disease, communicable disease, health care delivery background.
You know, one of the terrific things the government works together is that experts come together all the time.
I`m going to take that answer as he has none.