1 .副词作表语:
Is Ruth in ?露丝在家吗?
Are you through ( with your work ) ?你干完了吗?
What's on tonight ?今晚有什么活动?
I haven't been out much these days .最近我不常扯去。
Are they up yet ?他们起床了吗?
The meeting wasn't over till midnight .会一直开到半夜。
Is the TV on ?电视打开了吗?
Is the gas off ?煤气关好了吗?
He'll be down in a minute .他一会儿就下楼来。
They aren't around .他们不在附近。
We'll be out in the evening .我们晚上再出来。
另外,back , away , here , there 等副词也可用作表语:How long have been awa y?你离开多久了?
When will She be back ?她什么时候回来。
2 .介词短语作表语:
I am all for it .我完全赞成。
Is anybody against it ?有人反对吗?
She is with her mother now .她现在和她母亲在一起。
The bridge is under construction .桥正在修建。
He is at his best in classical works .他最擅长演奏古典作品。
We are behind the schedule now .我们比计划的时间晚了。
We know what they are after .我们知道他们追求的是什么。
Who is on duty today ?今天谁值班?
We mustn't be off guard .我们不能丧失警惕。
These products are all of good qualit. 这些产品质量都很好
I'm afraid I'm out of practice now .只怕我现在生疏了。
Their life was in danger.域们有生命危险。