I want to exchange some RMB for Euro.
2. 欧元的汇率是多少啊?
What's the exchangc rate for Euro?
3. 这是钱和单子。
Here are the money and the note、.
4. 请问您的国籍?
Would you mind if I ask your nationality?
5. 欧元兑换人民币是l比10.7。
It's REM 10.7 for l Euro.
6. 您要换多少?
How much do you want to change?
7. 为了方便和您交流。
To be easy for us to contact you.
8. 我想不起来密码了。
I cannot remember the code number exactly.
9. 请在这里签字。
Please sign your name here.
1O. 请问我账上还有多少钱?
Would you please tell me my balance?
11. 您要取多少钱?
How much do you want to draw?
12. 请您出示一下护照?
Will you please show me your passport?
13. 请问银行怎么走?
Can you tell me the way to the bank?
14. 抱歉无法为您服务。
I'm afraid we cannot help you.
15. 请收好点清。
Please check it and receive well.
16. 请问您的姓名和账号?
May I ask your name and account number?
17. 您想要怎么样的票面呢?
How would you like your money?
18. 您要销户吗?
Do you want to cancel your account?
19. 能再说一遍吗?
Would you mind repeating it, please?
20. 抱歉让您久等。
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
21. 请把每一项填写得清楚。
Be sure everything is clearly written.
22. 请稍候,我查一下记录。
Please wait a minute and I will check our records.
23. 你要把钱都取出来吗?
Do you want to withdraw all money from your account?
24. 这是您的钱和利息。
Here is your money and the interest you have earned.
25. 您可以看看那里的公告屏,或者登录我行的网站查询。
You may get the information from that bulletin board or our online banking.
exchange rate(汇率)code number(密码)sign(签名)passport(护照)account number(账号)cancel your account(销户)nationality(国籍)