She is in good form.
2. 她今天的竞技状态不如以前。
She is not showing her old form today.
3. 他是场上最有经验的选手。
He is the most experienced athlete in the field.
4. 吉姆肯定有望拿金牌。
Jim sure has a chance of a gold medal.
5. 现在选手们已经准备好进行跨栏。
Now the athletes are ready for the hurdles.
6. 你能告诉我比赛的结果吗?
Can you tell me the result?
7. 比赛的成绩是多少?
What's the score of the competition?
8. 他轻松地跳过了2.5米。
He cleared 2.5 meters without difficulty.
9. 他在200米赛跑中成绩不错。
He's done well in 200 meter dash.
1O. 他以创记录的时间跑完百米。
He ran the 100 meters in record time.
11. 他比其他选手领先了3米。
He had a lead of 3 meters to the other runners.
12. 她的第三次试跳犯规了。
Her third jump fouled.
13. 现在这是他的最后一次试投。
Now this is his final throw.
14. 他打破了链球的世界记录。
He has broken the world record in the hammer.
15. 亨利平了这个成绩。
Henry evened the score.
16. 他们并列第三。
They tied for the third place.
17. 亨利得了第四名。
Henry came in fourth.
18. 20号运动员退出了比赛。
No. 20 is out of the competition.
19. 3号选手这次被暂停比赛。
No.3 got suspended this time.
20. 三个运动员被淘汰了。
Three runners were out in the competition.
21. 刘翔是位优秀的运动员。
Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes.
22. 田径项目是我国的弱项。
Track and field events are our weak ones.
23. 她以领先对手0.05秒的成 绩获得了金牌。
She has won the gold medal with O.05 seconds in front of her opponent.
24. 我国选手打破这个项目的世界记录,这还是第一次。
It's the first time that our player has broken the world record in this event.
25. 他以17米得最佳成绩赢得了三级跳远。
He has won the triple jump with a record of 17 meters.
triple jump(三级跳)track and field(田径)record time(创纪录)dash(赛跑)foul(犯规)hammer(链球)suspend(暂停)score(成绩)hurdle(跨栏)