They deserved to win the game.
2. 你支持哪个球队?
Which team do you root for?
3. 我是阿根廷队的铁杆球迷。
I'm a big fan of Argentina.
4. 他带领球队打进总决赛。
He led his team into the finals.
5. 足球比赛中一切皆有可能。
The football game is rull of possibilities.
6. 这届世界杯有很多意外。
There were many surprises in this World Cup.
7. 我想看一场没有人受伤的比赛。
I hope to see a game without injuries.
8. 两队速度都很快也很活跃。
Both teams are fast and dynamic.
9. 他是一名职业球员。
He is a professional player.
10. 他在队里踢前锋。
He plays a forward in team.
11. 他是一名很好的替补队员。
He is a good reserve player.
12. 现在是中场时间。
It is halftime.
13. 一场旗鼓相当的比赛。
It is a very close game.
14. 你走的话会错过中场表演。
If you go, you'll miss the halftime show.
15. 展示你的团队精神给我看。
Show me your team spirit.
16. 你看昨天那场比赛了吗?
Did you watch the game yesterday?
17. 足球教我们公平竞争。
Football teaches us fair play.
18. 世界杯每四年举办一次。
The World Cup will be held every 4 years.
19. 英式足球不同于美式足球。
Football is different from soccer.
20. 他有一个明星签名的足球。
He got a football with famous player's name.
23. 我觉得他们的战术和阵型都有问题。
I think they were not using the right tactics and formations.
24. 球员可以在休息时调整他们的比赛计划。
The athletes can rest and adjust their game plan.
25. 我不知道这两支球队有没有交战过。
I'm curious to know if those two teams have ever played against each other.
deserve(应得的)a big fan of football(铁杆球迷)finals(总决赛)dynamic(活跃的)professional player(职业球员)halftime(中场)reserve player(替补队员)