1. 你经常打篮球吗?
Do you play much basketball?
2. 我是一个十足的篮球观众。
I am strictly a basketball spectator.
3. 找时间打一场篮球赛怎么样?
How about a basketball game sometime?
4. 篮球起源于美国。
Basketball was invented in America.
5. 美国是篮球运动的-差宰。
America dominated the basketball game.
6. 美国队号称“梦之队”。
American team was called "Dream Team".
7. 他从小打篮球。
He played basketball when he was a child.
8. 他抢了四个篮板球。
He grabbed four rebounds.
9. 篮板球给球队得分机会。
Rebounds give the team a scoring chance.
1O. 篮球队有多少运动员?
How many players in a basketball team?
11. 姚明担任休斯顿火箭队中锋。
Yao Ming served as Houston Rockets center.
12. 打篮球能提高身体素质。
Basketball can improve your fitness.
13. 打篮球培养合作能力。
Basketball trains you for your cooperation.
14. 篮球是一项整体的运动。
Basketball is a whole movement.
15. 我们应该怎么办,他退赛了。
What should we do with him out of the game?
16. 我们从候补队员中选人。
We should choose player from backups.
17. 比赛中扭伤脚踝很正常。
Spraining the ankle is common in the match.
18. 我打得分后卫。
I played shooting guard.
19. 谁教你打篮球?
Who taught you playing basketball?
20. 你们篮球队名字是什么?
What's the name of your basketball team?
21. 你通常什么时候打篮球?
When do you usually playbasketball?
22. 我们应该调整打球位置。
We should changethe position we played.
23. 你知道多少中国的篮球运动员?
How many Chinese basketball players do you know?
24. 这个NBA球星要在脚外伤5个月后才能再次上场。
The NBA-star played his first game in almost five months after a foot surgery.
25. 打篮球可锻炼肌肉,让你跑得更快,跳得更高。
Basketball can exercise your muscles so that you can run faster and jump higher.
backup(候补队员)Dream Team(梦之队)serve as(担任)score(得分)spectator(观众)out of the game(退赛)guard(后卫)ankle(脚踝)