1. 她是位杰出的羽毛球手。
She is an excellent shuttler.
2. 这种天气不适合打羽毛球。
The weather is not fit for badminton today.
3. 他的书包上有羽毛球图案。
There is a badminton design on his bag.
4. 他在设计羽毛球比赛会徽。
He designs an emblem of the competition.
5. 我经常练习羽毛球。
I always practice playing badminton.
6. 他在许多方面都无与伦比。
He is incomparahle in many respects.
7. 我要去超市买羽毛球。
I am going to the market to buy badminton.
8. 同学们在外面打羽毛球。
My classmates are playing badminton outside.
9. 常打羽毛球可以减肥。
Playing badminton is good for losing weight.
10. 有风天不适合打羽毛球。
It is not suit for badminton when it is windy.
11. 我获得过学校羽毛球赛冠军。
I obtained badminton champion in our school.
12. 真是一场精彩的比赛。
It was really a wonderful match.
13. 你练习了多少年羽毛球?
How many years have you played badminton?
14. 羽毛球锦标赛多久办一次?
How often is the badminton tournament held?
15. 羽毛球用什么材料做的?
What is a badminton made up of?
16. 羽毛球鞋价格特别高。
Badminton shoes are of high price.
17. 这种羽毛球质量非常好。
The quality of the badminton is very good.
18. 羽毛球弄伤了他的眼睛。
Badminton hurts his eyes.
19. 这幅羽毛球拍很便宜。
The badminton rackets are really cheap.
20. 我和男朋友打羽毛球。
I play badminton with my boyfriend.
21. 我能借你的羽毛球拍吗?
May I borrow your badminton rackets?
22. 我学过很多羽毛球知识。
I learned lots of knowledge of badminton.
23. 世锦赛和奥运会冠军是羽毛球运动员最高荣誉。
The champion of The World Tournament or Olympic is the highest honor.
24. 他们让球落在球拍上的方式真是太完美了。
The way they dropped the shuttle onto the racket is perfect.
Both players displayed their outstanding speed.
suit for(适合)emblem(会徽)incomparable(无与伦比的)lose weight(减肥)champion(冠军)tournament(锦标赛)