话题12:温泉Mineral Bath(汉英对照)
1. 我们计划去异国泡温泉。
We're planning for an exotic hot spring!
2. 我要去上海享受温泉。
I am going to Shanghai to enjoy hot spring.
3. 你要在那呆几天?
How long will you stay there?
4. 它源于地底2000米。
It originates from underground 2OOO meters.
5. 泡温泉有什么好处吗?
What is the advantage of eral baths?
6. 它能让我们放松啊。
It can relax us.
7. 泡温泉危险吗?
Is there any danger?
8. 我不敢泡啊!
I am afraid of mineral bath!
9. 到济州,泡温泉是必须的。
Jeju-do, bubble hot spring is a must.
1O. 你多久去泡一次?
How often do you have a mineral bath?
11. 不能泡太久。
It can not stay in bath for too long.
12. 泡温泉之前最好喝点水。
You'd better drink some water before you take it.
13. 我对温泉不了解。
I don't know much about mineral bath.
14. 能给我讲讲温泉吗?
Could you tell me something concerned it?
15. 喜欢泡温泉的多吗?
Are there lots of people fond of it?
16. 所有人都适合泡温泉吗?
Are all people fit for mineral bath?
17. 哪个地方最适合泡温泉?
Which place is the best choice to take it?
18. 那些温泉怎么样?
How about the hot springs?
19. 你可以和朋友们聊天。
You can chat with your friends while in it.
20. 我这有张温泉的优惠券。
I have a voucher for mineral bath.
21. 什么时间泡温泉最好?
Which time is best to have a mineral bath?
22. 你喜欢室外温泉还是室内温泉啊?
Do you like outdoor mineral baths or indoors?
23. 他们提供精油按摩,泥疗浴还有各种各样其他的项目。
They offer massages with fragrant oils,mudbaths and all sorts of other things.
24. 我要跟工作中的一些朋友一起去。
I am going with some of my friends from work.
25. 附近有一些温泉,游客可在矿泉水中洗澡。
There are some mineral baths nearby; visitors may bathe in the mineral water.
plan for(计划)advantage(好处)originate(源于)concern(关于)chat(聊天)voucher(优惠券)massage(按摩)mud baths(泥疗浴)