1. 赌博是一条走向绝望的道路。
Gambling opened up the highway to hopelessness.
2. 赌博浪费时间和金钱。
Gambling wastes time and money.
3. 赌博之后你是否自责?
Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?
4. 我从来没有赌过。
I have never experienced gambling.
5. 你必须抑制赌博的诱惑。
You must resist the temptation to gamble.
6. 这些家伙已经赌了一整夜。
The men have been gambling all night.
7. 这个赌徒对一切劝告置若罔闻。
The gambler turned a deaf ear to all advice.
8. 他认为可以靠赌博谋生。
He thinks he can live gambling.
9. 赌博使他一夜之间负债累累。
He was plunged into debt overmight by gambling.
1O. 他已从赌博中吸取了教训。
He learned his lesson from gambling.
11. 他在为他的赌债发愁。
He is worrying about his gambling debts.
12. 我赌博总是输钱。
I always lose money when I gamble.
13. 他是个不计后果的赌徒。
He is a reckless gambler.
14. 他是臭名昭著赌徒。
He was a notorious gambler.
15. 他亏本卖掉房子来偿还赌债。
He sells his house at a sacrifice to pay debts.
16. 赌徒设了圈套赢了他们所有的钱。
The gambler trickcd them out of all their money.
17. 给我讲讲互联网赌博吧。
Tell me something about internet gambling.
18. 扑克是技巧游戏,不是赌博。
Poker is a game of skill, not a form of gambling.
He will attend a gambling recovery course.
20. 政府应该取缔赌博。
The government should to put a lid on gambling.
21. 我们反对赌博。
We don't approve gambling.
22. 他被人引诱去赌博。
He was teiiipted into gambling.
23. 你知道结局是怎样的,却仍然去赌。
You know what the outcome would be, but still go to gamble.
24. 赌徒们总是在梦想有朝一日大赚一把,扭转扭转自己的生活。
Gamblers are always dreaming of the big win which will turn their life around for the better.
Money is the pleasure brought about by the demand for gamblers.
remorse(懊悔)turn a deaf ear to(置若罔闻)reckless(不顾后果的)notorious(臭名昭著的)internet gambling(互联网赌博)tempt(诱惑)