1. 我们意见不相同。
We don't see eye to eye.
2. 我们经常吵架。
We fight a lot.
3. 我的老婆有外遇。
My wife's a two-timer.
4. 他偷偷和别人约会。
He's secretly dating someone else.
5. 我想和你分手。
I want to break up.
6. 我想重新考虑。
I've reconsidered.
7. 我们争论了好几个小时。
We argued for hours.
8. 你让我很伤心。
You make me sad.
9. 我想我很了解你。
I thought I knew you.
10. 我不能失去你。
I can't get over losing you.
11. 我们现在分居。
We are living separately now.
12. 和你分手是我最大的痛苦。
Breaking up is hard to do.
13. 我们离婚吧。
Let's get divorced.
14. 他和他的秘书有了婚外情。
He had an affair with his secretary.
15. 和你在一起没意思。
I don't enjoy being with you.
16. 我们一起已经没有意思了。
We don't have any fun anymore.
17. 我要和你离婚。
I am divorcing you.
18. 我再也忍受不了了。
I can't bear you anymore.
19. 你那样做真让我恶心。
I am sick of your doing that.
20. 他一直在偷情。
He has been getting a little on the side.
21. 我发誓我再也不这样做了。
I make a solemn promise never to do it again.
I can't recover from breaking up with you.
23. 顺便问一下,你在我背后做什么事吗?
By the way, have you done anything behind my back?
24. 亲爱的,不要那样对我。求你再给我一次机会吧!
Don't do that to me, honey. Give me a chance, please.
25. 无论怎么样,他的妻子发现他不专情已经很长一段时间了。
Anyway, his wife found out that he has been two-timing for a long time.
fight(吵架)a two-timer(有外遇)break up(分手)living separately(分居)sick(恶心)get divorced(离婚)had an affair(婚外情)bear(忍受)make a solemn promise(发誓)