1.Cut - 剪切
例句: The editor decided to cut some unnecessary scenes from the movie.
例句含义: 编辑决定从电影中剪切掉一些不必要的场景。
2.Deadline - 截止日期
例句: The project's deadline is approaching, and we need to finish it soon.
例句含义: 项目的截止日期快到了,我们需要尽快完成它。
3.Decision - 决策
例句: The board of directors made a difficult decision to restructure the company.
例句含义: 董事会做出了一个艰难的决定,即对公司进行重组。
4.Delegate - 委派
例句: The manager delegated the task of organizing the conference to a junior employee.
例句含义: 经理将组织会议的任务委派给了一名初级员工。
5.Departure - 离开
例句: The plane's departure time is scheduled for 8 PM.
例句含义: 飞机的起飞时间定为晚上8点。
6.Direct deposit - 直接存款
例句: I set up direct deposit for my paycheck so it goes straight into my bank account.
例句含义: 我为我的工资单设置了直接存款,这样它就会直接进入我的银行账户。
7.Discuss - 讨论
例句: We need to discuss the new marketing strategy at the next meeting.
例句含义: 我们需要在下次会议上讨论新的营销策略。
8.Document - 文档
例句: Please save the report as a PDF document before sending it to me.
例句含义: 请在将报告发送给我之前将其保存为PDF文档。
9.Email - 电子邮件
例句: I sent you an email with the meeting agenda attached.
例句含义: 我给你发了一封带有会议议程附件的电子邮件。
10.Engage - 参与
例句: In order to foster a collaborative work environment, the team leader engages all team members in brainstorming sessions for new project ideas.
例句含义: 为了营造一个协作的工作氛围,团队领导让所有团队成员参与到新项目创意的头脑风暴会议中。