1.Message - 消息
例句: I received a message from my friend saying she couldn't make it to the party.
例句含义: 我收到朋友发来的一条消息,说她不能来参加聚会了。
2.Minutes - 会议记录
例句: Could you please take the minutes of the meeting today?
例句含义: 你能帮忙记录一下今天的会议内容吗?
3.Mobile phone - 手机
例句: I always carry my mobile phone with me wherever I go.
例句含义: 无论我去哪里,我都会随身携带我的手机。
4.Monitor - 监视
例句: The security guard monitors the cameras all night long.
例句含义: 保安整晚都在监视摄像头。
5.Mouse - 鼠标
例句: Use the mouse to click on the link and open the website.
例句含义: 用鼠标点击链接,打开网站。
6.Network - 网络
例句: The company's network went down, and everyone was unable to work.
例句含义: 公司的网络出故障了,大家都没法工作。
7.Newsletter - 通讯
例句: I enjoy reading the monthly newsletter from our alumni association.
例句含义: 我喜欢阅读校友协会每月发来的通讯。
8.Notebook - 笔记本
例句: She jots down her thoughts in a small notebook.
例句含义: 她把自己的想法记在一个小笔记本上。
9.On-site - 现场的
例句: The construction team worked on-site for several weeks to complete the project.
例句含义: 施工团队在现场工作了数周才完成了这个项目。
10.Open - 开启
例句: Please open the window to let some fresh air in.
例句含义: 请把窗户打开,让新鲜空气进来。