中英之鉴 中式英语之鉴255
教程:中英之鉴  浏览:428  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    [误] The day is falling and the road is coming to an end.

    [正] The night is falling and the road is coming to an end.

    注:我们说的“日”英语应译作“夜”。汉语的“日暮”除译作 The night is falling 外,又可译成 the night is closing in,或 night is coming(on),或 it is getting dark。汉语的“途穷”,除如上照字面译出的以外,又可译为 no road ahead,或意译为 straitened, in poor circumstances 等。

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