(The kitchen is dark, and Pear is telling a ghost story)
Pear: And then, she says, "But I saw Zucchini this morning!", and Tomato, he says, "But, that's impossible! I saw Zucchini get diced last week!"
Orange: Huh? I don't get it.
Pear: Zucchini's dead!
Passion Fruit: Hey! Trying to sleep over here!
Pear: Sorry, Passion.
Orange: I still don't get it.
Pear: Dude, it's a ghost story.
Orange: There's no goat in that story.
Pear: No, It's not about—Know what? Never mind—
Orange: Your story sucks. You'll be better if there was a goat.
Pear: It's not about goats!
Grapefruit's Sister: (Grunting)
Orange: Hey! Who was that?
Pear: What? I don't hear anything.
Grapefruit's Sister: (Grunting again)
Passion Fruit: Would you guys keep it down already?
Pear: Uh, Passion, That wasn't us.
Orange: I think it's the goat.
Passion Fruit: We have a goat?
Pear: Guys, look over there!
(Grapefruit's Sister is set down on the count)
Grapefruit's Sister: (Grunting Better)
Passion Fruit: Oh! My God It's--
(the lights flicker on, giving a better view of her)
Grapefruit's Sister: Orange!
Orange: It's Ms. Pacman!
Passion Fruit: GRAPEFRUIT!!! You're alive!? How did you—Grapefruit's Sister: Save it, lady. I ain't here for you.
Orange: What are you for? Pellets? (Laughing)
Grapefruit's Sister: Listen up, losers! There's only one thing I want, and that's you, Orange.
Orange: Me? What did I do?
Grapefruit's Sister: YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!!!!!
Orange: Brother?
Passion Fruit Grapefruit was your brother?
Grapfruit's Sister: Was is right, thanks to that little creep.
Orange: So, wait. Who are you?
Grapefruit's Sister: I'm his sister, you moron!
Orange: Sister?
Grapefruit's Sister: Oh, what? You just know see the bow?
Pear: Seriously dude, you couldn't tell?
Orange: Not really.
Pear: Dude, look at her, she's totally a fox!
Orange: Fox?!
Passion Fruit: (laughing) Pear's got the hots for Grapefruit's sister!
Pear: Hey! Not so loud!
Orange: She looks more like a clown! You're Chubby McChubby Clown! (laughing)
Grapefruit's Sister: (Growls)
Orange: Hey clown, do a trick!
Grapefruit's Sister: Hey, you wanna see a trick? How about I make your face disappear, how about that?
Passion Fruit: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody calm down!
Orange: Jeez! I think this clown is going out of her mime! (Laughing)
Grapefruit's Sister: Oh, I am gonna go homestyle on you, Orange!
Pear: Listen, I'm telling you! Orange didn't kill your brother.
Grapefruit's Sister: That's not what everybody else is saying!
Passion Fruit: Everybody else? How did you even hear about that?
Grapefruit's Sister: Are you kidding me? I heard through the grape vine!
Grape 1: Don't look at me!
Grape 2: I didn't tell anyone.
Grape 3: Me neither, how about you, Janie?
Janie: Uhhh...
Grape 1: Oh no!
Grape 2: Janie!!!
Janie: What?! I told like two people, okay?
(all grapes moan)
Grape 3: Nice one, Janie!
Passion Fruit: Seriously, you can't listen to anything those guys say.
Orange: Yeah, their a bunch of whiners! (laughing)
Grapefruit's Sister: (crying) I don't believe it, I came all the way here for nothing!!!
Orange: Uh oh! Chubby McChubby Clown's gonna cry!
Grapefruit's Sister: I'm not crying! (has a little tears)
Pear: Lay off, Orange, she's having a rough night.
Grapefruit's Sister: I don't get it. If it wasn't him, then who did it?!
Orange: Ooh! I know who did it, it was Knife!
Grapefruit's Sister: Who?!
Orange: Knife!
Dane Boedigheimer: (Cuts the grapefruit in half)
Grapefruit's Sister: (Screaming)
Orange and Pear: Ahhh!
Orange: (with Grapefruit's Sister screaming in the background) Kinda looks like a split! (Laughing) Must run in the family! (Laughs Again) Ooh, Ow!
(Daneboe takes Grapefruit's Sister away)
Orange: Kinda feels like déjà vu.
Passion Fruit: Wow. I'm going back to bed.
Pear: (sighs) Well, I guess it's the last we'll see of the Grapefruits.
Grapefruit's Second Cousin: Oh, not so fast, buddy! I'm Grapefruit's second cousin! I'm here to avenge his death.
Grapefruit's Grandpa: And I'm Grapefruit's grandpa! I'm here to avenge his death.
Grapefruit's Mailman: And I'm Grapefruit's mailman! And I got all this mail, and no forwarding address. So, I need some help here.