English speakers love to talk about the weather. It is a way of breaking the ice (starting a conversation). People talk about the weather on the phone or in person. Friends and family talk about the weather before they discuss what's new. Co-workers talk about the weather before starting a hard of work. Even strangers discuss the weather.
What is the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?
What do you think of the weather here? 觉得这里的天气怎么样?
What's it like out? 外面天气怎么样?
还有一种最简单的问法,How's the weather?
It is snow.
It is snowing.
It is snowy.
It is rain.
It is raining.
It is rainy.
It is sun.
It is sunny.
The sun is shining.
很明显,每种回答方式第一种都是错误的,snow,rain sun这些都是名词。在表达天气怎么样时,应该用一个形容词或者是现在分词表正在进行。但是如果我们想问别人未来的某一个时间会不会出太阳或是会不会下雨,例如我想问人家星期一会下雨吗?像这种情况我们就可以说,"Is it supposed to rain on Monday?"这里用到了一个be suppose to的片语,这种讲法是美国人最喜欢的. 再比方说,如果我们假设明天有什么活动,我们常常会要求别人先看看明天会不会出太阳或下雨,这种情况美国人会说:"Why don't you check and see if it's sunny tomorrow?" 你何不看看明天会不会出太阳呢?这里把 see if it's sunny 改成see if it's going to rain 就变成了看看会不会下雨.
A beautiful day,isn't it? 今天天气真好,不是吗?
Cold this morning,isn't it? 今天早晨真冷,是不是?
这种问法一般来说就是为了“破冰”,其实天气怎么样你已经知道了,只是为了和对方有个共同话题可以谈论而已。在这两句话中,都是省略了主词和联系动词It is。原句应该是It is a beautiful day/It is cold thismorning.
再来说说It's a beautiful day. (今天天气很好)这句话。美国人都是怎么形容天气很好的呢?通常他们会用beautiful, nice或是lovely来形容.其中我最常听到的就是, "It's a beautiful/nice/lovely day."反之如果是天气很糟下大雨呢?你可以用"It's nasty."来形容.