Answered by Simran Panwar
Simran Panwar的回复:
Ever wondered why there are three terms you commonly hear people saying when referring to England. Almost all people freely use the Great Britain and the United Kingdom as substitutes for England in general speech. So, is there any difference among the three terms?
你有没有想过,为什么人们提到英国时通常会有三种说法?几乎所有人在日常交谈中都会说大不列颠(the Great Britain)或者联合王国(the United Kingdom),而不是英格兰(England)。那么,这三种称呼有什么区别吗?
As a matter of fact, there is a big difference, and to understand it, the best way is to get help from the three respective flags. Let's go through a few flags and you will understand the meanings of all three terms.
Flag of England:
英格兰圣乔治十字旗(St. George's Cross):
Flag of Scotland:
苏格兰圣安德烈十字旗(St. Andrew's Cross):
Now, these two countries along with Wales constitute the Great Britain and the flag of GB is also an amalgamation of these flags.
Flag of Great Britain:
Add to these the Northern Ireland, and you get the United Kingdom. The same goes for the flag too.
Flag of Northern Ireland:
Flag of the United Kingdom - The Union Flag
So, the next time you want to refer to England, just say England. :)
I have been getting comments and messages regarding the current flag of Northern Ireland and the exclusion of the Wales flag from the Union Flag. Here goes:
About Northern Ireland:
The current flag for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was formed sometime before 1800. And up to that time, St. Patrick's Cross was the flag used to represent Northern Ireland. The flag of the Union Jack actually comprises three different flags viz. St. George's Cross (England), St. Andrew's Cross (Scotland) and St. Patrick's Cross (Northern Ireland). So, the Union Flag has, since, remained the same.
现在的大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)国旗早在公元1800年以前就形成了。在那之前,北爱尔兰的代表旗帜是圣帕特里克十字旗。米字旗实际上是由三面不同的旗帜构成的,也就是英格兰的圣乔治十字旗,苏格兰的圣安德烈十字旗和北爱尔兰的圣帕特里克十字旗。于是,这种样式也就一直保留了下来。
The two flags in question are as follows:
The Ulster Banner, on which many are arguing is the real flag of Northern Ireland.
红手旗(the Ulster Banner),许多人认为它才是北爱尔兰真正的官方旗帜。
and St. Patrick's Cross
Now, the main point is Northern Ireland has not had a unique, government-sanctioned flag since 1972, when the Northern Ireland parliament and government were prorogued. During official events, The Northern Ireland government uses the Union Flag instead of both- the Ulster Banner and St. Patrick's Cross.
According to law, neither Saint Patrick's Cross nor the Ulster Banner may be flown on government buildings in Northern Ireland. But, St. Patrick's Cross is still used on some occasions in the country. Although, in official occasions, like the British government, Union Flag is the only flag used by the government of the Northern Ireland.
Check: Flag of Northern Ireland
About Wales:
Simply put, Wales is a prinicipality.
(Check: Principality)
Informally saying, that means it is not a part of the Union of Great Britain and it is, or was, effectively a possession of England. Wales had no explicit recognition in the Union Flag as it had been a part of the Kingdom of England since being annexed by Edward I of England in 1282 and its full integration by the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542, and was therefore represented by the flag of England.When the first Union Flag was created in 1606, Wales was already united with England from the 13th century. In 1536, under Henry VIII, the Act of Union joined England and Wales officially. Thus, it didn't get a place in the Union Flag as it was considered a part of England back when the flag was created.
通俗地说,这意味着威尔士并不是大不列颠联邦的一部分,而其实是,或者说曾经是英格兰的一处领地。威尔士在米字旗中没有被明确地体现出来,是因为在1282年,威尔士被英格兰国王爱德华一世吞并,其后根据《1535年-1542年威尔士法案》,被完全并入英格兰。自此,威尔士就成为了英格兰王国(the Kingdom of England)的一部分,因此,英格兰国旗也就代表了威尔士。第一面英国国旗是在1606年诞生的,而威尔士早在13世纪时就已经被并入了英格兰。1536年,在亨利八世统治时期,《联合法案》(the Act of Union)正式将英格兰和威尔士合并到一起。因而英国国旗诞生时,由于威尔士已被认为是英格兰的一部分,所以并没有出现在国旗上。
Check: Union Jack
- 1606年,詹姆斯一世统一英格兰和苏格兰时,将两国旗帜图案重叠起来,作为大不列颠的国旗。
- 爱尔兰的圣帕特里克的白底红色交叉型旗,最早是爱尔兰菲茨诺德家族的旗帜;1801年,爱尔兰与大不列颠联合组成王国后,这面旗帜又与大不列颠国旗重叠,最后形成了大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的这面构图奇特的“米字旗”。20世纪中叶,爱尔兰独立之后米字旗并没有发生变化,因为圣帕特里克十字旗仍然代表着北爱尔兰自治区,而它至今仍是联合王国的一部分。