1. Is there such a thing as a useless person?
1. 这世上有没有完全没用的人?
Answered by Leonard Kim
Leonard Kim 回答:
No one is completely useless. They can always serve as a bad example.
2. I want my daughter to marry a doctor, but she's chosen this guy who works in a bike store. I tried to get her to leave him, but she wouldn't. What do I do now?
2. 我想让女儿嫁给一个医生,但她却看上了一个在自行车行工作的家伙。我试着让她离开他,但她不肯。我该怎么办?
Answered by Steve Black
Steve Black回答:
Just think of him as a bike doctor.
3. Which personality traits often lead to failure?
3. 什么样的性格往往会导致失败?
Answered by Graeme Shimmin
Graeme Shimmin 回答:
There is an old story about two Greek islanders vying to become the strongest man on the island.
One trainee bought a newborn calf. The other laughed at him. How could a calf help his rival train? But every day the wise trainee lifted it. Every day the calf got a little bigger and heavier but he could still lift it because it was only a little bit heavier than the previous day. After a year the wise trainee saw the calf was now a bull but he could still lift it.
In the meantime the unwise trainee had tried every day to lift a bull.
He had failed every time.
4. What's one easy way to waste a life?
4. 如何轻易地虚掷时光?
Answered by Bhavika Dave
Bhavika Dave 回答:
Get affected by all the shit that people throw at you.
Answered by Karan Bansal
Karan Bansal 回答:
Fall in love with a person who doesn't love you back!
5. Is it possible to be lonely and happy?
5. 有可能孤独并快乐着吗?
Answered by Joel V Benjamin
Joel V Benjamin 回答:
But it's possible to be alone and happy.
6. What are some of the best comebacks to a teacher?
6. 如何机智地和老师抬杠?
Answered by Avinash Bhawnani
Avinash Bhawnani 回答:
Teacher: Whoever will give the right answer to my question can go home.
(And all of a sudden, Rocky threw his bag outside the window.)
Teacher: Who threw that bag?
Rocky: Me. Now I am going home.
Read somewhere on facebook.