What Were the Worst Two Minutes of Your Life?你一生中最糟糕的两分钟是怎样的?
获得211好评的回答@Julian Arnold
A brick fell on my head.一块砖头砸中了我的脑袋。
获得118好评的回答@Deevanshu Kakkar
Almost got mugged/beat up/kidnapped in a foreign country.在异国,差点被行凶抢劫。
获得296好评的回答@Jitender S Bhatia
Choked, Survived.噎到,最后幸存下来。
获得129好评的回答@Suety Kwan
Stubbed toe gone wrong.撞伤的脚趾头出了问题。
获得139好评的回答@Krysta Storer
I have had many moments in my life that were bad, but I would have to say the worst was when the doctor came out of emergency surgery for my mom, to tell my dad and I that she had cancer. 在我的生命中有许多时刻是糟糕的,但最糟糕的是当医生结束了我母亲的紧急手术后,告诉我们母亲得的是癌症。
获得56好评的回答@Shreya Thacker
My mother narrowly escaped death. Worst two minutes of my life were seeing her battle in the hospital.我的母亲死里逃生。最糟的两分钟是亲眼见证她在医院与病魔作斗争。
获得426好评的回答@Nikki Primrose
The worst two minutes of my life?我生命中最糟的两分钟是什么?That would probably be when I thought I was going to be strangled to death by a stranger in broad daylight.那可能是我想起我在光天化日下差点被一个陌生人勒死的时候。