How Do You Study for An Important Exam?如何备战重要的考试?
获得186好评的回答@Mary Temple
1. Give yourself enough time to study.给自己充足的时间学习。2. Organize your study space. 安排好自己的学习空间。3. Use flow charts and diagrams.使用流程图和图表来规划学习。4. Practice on old exams.做往年真题。5. Explain your answers to others.将答案解释给别人听。6. Organize study groups with friends.跟朋友一起成立学习小组。7. Take regular breaks.定期休息一会。8. Snack on 'brain food'.把健脑食品当零食吃。9. Plan your exam day.计划一下考试当天要做什么。10. Drink plenty of water.喝大量的水。
获得105好评的回答@Joanna Jast
1. Studying when I'm at my cognitive best 在我认知能力最强时学习。2. Using my energy wisely: study in 60-90 min sessions with short (5-10 min) 'stretch' breaks in between them; and longer (20-30 min) breaks after 3-4 hrs 明智地使用我的能量:60-90分钟的学习结合5-10分钟休息时间;每3-4个小时之后进行更长的休息,大概20-30分钟。3. Making sure I get enough sleep and exercise regularly (exercise and sleep improve our ability to learn and remember stuff!)确保充足的睡眠和定期的运动。(运动和睡眠可以提高我学习和记忆的能力)4. Eating 'smartly'饮食要合理,吃得“聪明”点。5. Reading textbooks and extracting useful info from other sources in an efficient way.看课本,并且高效地从其他渠道汲取信息6. Learning for understanding and making connections plus with prior knowledge.理解式学习,并且把现学知识与前面所学的知识联系起来。7. Taking notes that help me learn and remember from the moment I'm taking them.做好笔记有助于学习和记忆现在所学习的知识。8. Planing my study sessions ahead (e.g. the night before), scheduling them and sticking to the plan; making sure I cover the material required 提前计划学习(前一晚),安排时间并且坚持按计划学习,确保将要求的材料掌握。