When The President Goes Out To Eat, Who Pays For The Food?总统出门吃饭,谁付钱?
获得266.2k好评回答@Robert B. Dickerson
I worked for a President (several actually). In the case of George H.W. Bush (41): 我曾经几次过服侍过总统,比如第四十一任的小布什。When he went to his favourite Chinese Restaurant, Peking Gourmet Inn, Falls Church, Virginia. He always met other family members there. 他最中意的一家中餐厅位于弗吉尼亚州Fall Church,叫北京珍馐假日酒店,他经常和家人在那里聚餐。They sat at a special table behind a “Chinese” wooden screen. The Secret Service advised the owners specifically how to change the window to bullet-proof glass.他们经常坐在一面具有中国特色的木质屏风后面。情报局还曾特意建议店主,教他把屏风玻璃换成防弹玻璃。The President always paid - I am not sure of the legalities of the restaurant giving a “free meal” but there are some.总统一般都会自己付钱,我也不能确定有些餐馆主会给他免单,虽然这样的情况确有发生。(翻译:林浔鸥)