What Are Characteristics of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People?高情商的人有哪些特点?
获得416好评的回答@Tillman Huett-Lassman
Here are the 3 main characteristics of high EQ people:情商高的人有三个主要特点:They actually listen.他们真的会认真听你讲话。They are emotionally vulnerable. 他们情感脆弱。They are agreeable and easy going.他们平易近人,好相处。获得138好评的回答@Andrew Wang
High EQ people listen to and validate other people’s feelings without judgment.高情商的人善于倾听,并且能不带偏见地理解他人的感受。Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.站在对方的角度看问题。Ask thoughtful questions问一些体贴的问题 。Think what pieces of missing information might help the other person. 会去思考有哪些遗漏的信息能够帮助到对方。Show vulnerability会显露出自己的脆弱。获得1.9k好评的回答@Sascha Sim
You buy people the perfect presents.你会给他人买最完美的礼物。You can make anyone believe that you are in love with them.你会让每个人相信你真的爱他们。You are able to rephrase sentences to project the right emotion or environment.你能够该述一些话准确表达情感或者情境。You understand another person better than they do themselves.你比其他人更了解他们自己。