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    What are the most popular types of tea consumed in Britain?英国人最喜欢哪种茶?


    获得5.6k好评的回答@Chris Sturt:

    Your question suggest you don't understand tea in England! There is only one type of tea*. The questions that go with tea is the "milk and sugar" and how strong, not what type! If you go to a cafe and get a mug or pot of tea, unlike buying beer, you are unlikely to get to choose the brand of tea, it is just black tea.从你的问题可以看出你不理解英国的茶!英国只有一种茶,关于茶的问题是“加奶加糖”还有“多浓”,而不问喝哪种茶!如果你去咖啡厅点一杯或一壶茶,跟买啤酒不一样,你无法选择茶的牌子,只有红茶。*More recently along the increase in popularity of coffee, herbal and green teas are becoming more popular in the UK. But in general if you see tea on a menu, it means generic black tea.最近随着咖啡的流行,花草茶和绿茶在英国更受欢迎了。但通常情况下如果你看到菜单上有茶,就是普通的红茶。


    获得18.6好评的回答@Nick Schön:

    It always amuses me when foreigners learn I'm a Brit and offer me exotic flavours like "Strawberry and Passion Fruit" or some such nonsense, assuming we're tea experts because we drink a lot of it. We aren't, but we know what we like.让我感觉很有意思的是:当有外国人知道我是英国人时,总是为我提供一些颇具异域风情的口味,比如“草莓百香果”或类似一些很荒谬的东西,都以为我们茶喝多了就成专家了。我们并不专业,但我们清楚自己喜欢什么。Most Brits just drink black tea, but it must be strong and hot and with cold milk and in a cup or a mug. People outside the UK make tea that to us is way too weak, in a glass (honestly!) and made with water that's not boiling. All these are capital offences in the UK, as is adding hot milk or no milk at all.大部分英国人只喝红茶,必须是非常浓而且热的,里面加冰牛奶,用茶杯或马克杯喝。外国人沏的茶对我们来说都太淡了,还用玻璃杯喝(真的!),而且沏茶的水还不开。这些在英国简直是死罪,加热牛奶或不加牛奶也都是绝对不可以的。


    获得8.2k好评的回答@Clare Celea:

    PG Tips is the market leader, and the one I personally buy and drink at home.PG Tips(英国红茶包)是市场领军品牌,我自己就买这个牌子的茶在家喝。Twinings and Tetley are in a battle for second place. Twinings is a posh brand that is making a lot of headway with their herbal range. Tetley is a "builder's" brand - in the UK, builders tea is brewed very strong, usually with milk and two sugars. Tetleys and Yorkshire Tea are brands you'd expect to see on a construction site, in a maintenance engineers' tuck room, or anywhere where people are doing hard physical work. There are the supermarket own brands, obviously, and some of them are quite good.唐宁茶和泰特莱在竞争第二的位置。唐宁茶是奢侈品牌,靠着花草茶销量大增。泰特莱是“建筑工人的”品牌——在英国,建筑工人喝的茶都沏得很浓,通常加牛奶和两块糖。泰特莱和约克郡茶这两个牌子经常出现在建筑工地、维修工程师的食品间或任何从事高强度体力劳动的地方。当然还有一些超市自营品牌,其中有些还不错。




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