What are the best ways of falling asleep quickly?快速入睡最好的方法是什么?
获得42.4k好评的回答@Elias Edgren:
Here’s the 6 steps I take to fall asleep quickly and get a good night’s sleep.以下是我快速入睡而且睡得好的6个步骤。1. Make Your Bedroom Pitch Black1.卧室漆黑Our brain associate darkness with night, and light with day. Being in a bright room filled with screens decreases melatonin production and makes your body believe it’s daytime.我们的大脑会把黑暗和夜晚、光和白天联系在一起。在满是屏幕的明亮房间里体内褪黑素会减少,身体认为仍然是白天。2. Make Your Bedroom Quiet2.卧室保持安静Sounds can also decrease your sleep quality and wake you up. Get earplugs if you don’t have control over your environment.声音也会降低睡眠质量并把你弄醒。如果无法控制周围环境就戴上耳塞。3. Sleep in the Perfect Temperature3.室内温度适宜睡眠The ideal sleep temperature is about 65-70°F (18-21 °C).理想的睡眠温度约是65-70°F (18-21 °C)。4. Block Blue Light4.躲开蓝光The blue light from devices like phones, TVs and computers decrease melatonin production. The best thing would be to not use devices 3 hours before bedtime, but we all know that’s not going to happen. Fortunately, tech can help us by removing most blue light from the screen. Here’s the free programs for all devices and platforms:来自电话、电视和电脑等电子产品的蓝光会减少体内的褪黑素,最好睡前3小时内不用这些设备,但我们都知道这不可能。幸运的是,科技能帮我们从屏幕上移除大部分蓝光。下面就是所有电子产品和平台都能用的免费程序:Windows, OS and Linux people: download f.lux.Windows, OS and Linux用户下载f.lux。Android people: download the app Twilight.安卓用户下载应用程序Twilight。To maximize the benefits, buy a pair of blue blocking glasses. They're good for blocking blue light coming from lamps and devices where these apps aren't available. You'll look dorky, but they can increase sleep quality by 50%.为了在最大程度上保证睡眠质量,可以买一副防蓝光眼镜,它可以很好地阻挡来自灯和不能用这些应用程序的电子产品的蓝光。虽然看起来不怎么时髦,但可以使睡眠质量提高50%。5. Be Smart About What You Eat and Drink5.注意饮食What you consume can affect your sleep significantly. Here’s some suggestions on what to eat to get a great night’s sleep:饮食对睡眠有很大影响。下面是几条关于改善夜间睡眠的饮食建议:Cut out caffeine 6 hours before you go to bed.睡前6小时内不喝含咖啡因饮品。Stop drinking liquids 1 hour before bedtime.睡前1小时不喝东西。Skip the nightcap: It can make you fall asleep faster, but decreases sleep quality.睡前不喝酒:虽然喝酒入睡快,但会降低睡眠质量。6. Wind Down and Clear Your Head6.放松并清空大脑Here’s are 3 habits that has countless benefits.下面这3个习惯好处多多。Gratitude: Write down 3 things you're grateful for every morning, or before you go to sleep. It's proven to make you more relaxed, healthy and happy - and seem to increase sleep quality by 25%.感恩:每天早晨或睡前写下3件你感激的事。经证明这样做会使你更放松、更健康、更幸福,睡眠质量会提高25%。Meditation: Meditation then calms you down and gives you a simple thing to focus on: your breath. Just observe yourself breathing - feel the air coming in and going through your body. Then feel it flowing out.冥想:冥想能使你冷静下来,使你只能把注意力集中在一件简单的事上:你的呼吸。只关注自己的呼吸——感觉空气吸进来,流经全身,然后呼出去。Exercise: 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week can increase your sleep quality by 65%.锻炼;1周进行150分钟逐渐加强的锻炼能使睡眠质量提高65%。Now you know how to fall asleep fast and get a great night’s sleep.现在你知道如何快速入睡还能睡个好觉了。