What can I do to change my life?我怎么才能改变自己的人生?
获得42.5k 好评的回答@Kawsur Abeddin:
1.Stop Facebooking/ twitting1.别再看Facebook/推特了2.Stop posting everything in Facebook/Twitter2.别再往Facebook/推特上发东西了。3.Keep your emotion in you3.情绪不外露4.If you know something good then be the perfect one in that. If you are good at anything, never do it for free!! That will help you to earn and to maintain your life.4.如果某件事你懂一点儿,那就把它变成你所擅长的。擅长的事都不要免费去做!擅长的事能帮你赚钱维持生计。5.Try to be a own satisfied person. Stay happy with what you have.5.努力做到自我满足。知足常乐。6.Never judge others6.永远不要评判别人7.If you think that you don't make a mistake but people still blaming on you, fight for that.7.如果你认为自己没错,却有人在指责你,怼回去!8.Stop Lying. I'm serious. Stop lying. Not a single word.8.别再说谎了,我是认真的,别再说谎了,一个字都不行。9.Think before you move. Count every single step you make & made.9.三思后行,现在或过去的每一步都要脚踏实地。10.Don't let others talk over you10.不要被别人说服11.Listen carefully then reply perfectly. If you don't understand anything then ask it again then make a reply.11.仔细倾听,认真答复。如果有什么不明白的,多问一遍再回答。12.Always try to smile. Even at your bad situation.12.总要面带微笑,即使自己境况不好。13.Mark your failure & make that your stamp.13.牢记失败,以之为鉴。Changing life isn't that easy to do, because you have some bad habit. You have to overcome that at first.改变生活并非易事,因为你还有一些坏习惯,你需要先改掉这些坏毛病。
获得304.5k好评的回答@Elena Ledoux:
If I tell you, are you going to do it?如果我说了,你会照做吗?1.Put the phone down after you read this.1.读完这个就把手机放下。2.Get off the couch.2.离开沙发。3.Take a sheet of paper and write down top 3 things you want to have in your life. Better yet, take a cork board and pin the images of your top dreams.3.找张纸写下你生活中最想拥有的3个东西。最好再找个软木板,把你最想要的东西的图片钉在上面。4.Every morning ask yourself what are you going to do today to get closer to your dreams.4.每天早晨问问自己为了离梦想更进一步今天要做什么。5.Every evening, ask yourself if you've done what you promised yourself.5.每天晚上问问自己你是否兑现了承诺。That's it. If you do the above, your life will change.就这些,如果你都能做到,那生活就会改变。The key to any change is action.任何改变的关键都是行动。