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    What are some interesting facts you know about animals?你知道什么关于动物有趣的事?


    获得15.6k好评的回答@Abhishek Talia:

    Have you ever seen?你见过这些吗?A whale's heart.鲸鱼的心脏。A shark egg through ocean water透过海水看到的鲨鱼卵。A baby sword fish.一条剑鱼宝宝。Multi-color Chameleon.多彩变色龙。White Bat.白蝙蝠。A human sized Jelly Fish.和人体型一样的水母。Few pictures and fact of animals who are going to be extinct in near future即将灭绝的动物的几张图片和情况。Ring tailed-lemurs.环尾狐猴。There are only 2000–2400 alive on this entire planet.整个地球上仅存2000–2400只。Proboscis Monkey长鼻猴Their species has been decreased 50% since last 40 years and are classified as threatened species.近40年内种类下降了50%,被列为濒危物种。Shoebill鲸头鹳These birds are very skilfull fishers and there are only 5000–8000 left on earth.这种鸟是捕鱼高手,地球上仅存5000–8000只。Iberian Lynx伊比利亚猞猁They are found in the mountains in Spain and there are only 404 present.在西班牙山区发现它们的踪迹,仅存404只。Monarch Butterflies王蝶These butterflies migrate a lot and were considered endangered species but due to conservation they're safe now.这种蝴蝶总是迁徙,被列为濒危物种,但已受到保护,现在很安全。Philippine Eagle菲律宾鹰This eagle is National Bird of Phillipines. They're endangered species because of deforestation. Killing them will lead to 12 years of imprisonment.这种鹰是菲律宾的国鸟,由于森林砍伐变成了濒危物种。杀害这种鸟会被判12年监禁。Saiga高鼻羚羊The present areas of the saiga’s habitat are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, and Mongolia. Their endangerment is due to their Horns.现在高鼻羚羊栖息地位于哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、俄罗斯和蒙古。人们获取羚羊角致使它们成为濒危物种。


    获得6.6k好评的回答@Jawad Bataineh:

    1. Cows moo in accents specific to their country.1.不同国家的奶牛叫声也不同。I’m just trying to imagine a cow mooing in a British accent.我在想奶牛的英国口音是什么样。2. The World’s oldest known creature, a mollusk, was over five hundred years old, until scientists accidentally killed it.2.世界上已知年龄最大的生物,一只500多岁的软体动物,最后偶然被科学家杀死了。




      上一篇:Quora精选:如何找到愿意和你交流的老外? 下一篇:Quora精选:别人想让你相信的荒谬之事


