天哪,美国人这样说英语5-66: doggy bag 食物没吃掉,就想起狗狗来
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      天哪,美国人这样说英语5-67: doggy bag 食物没吃掉,就想起狗狗来。

      He frequently takes home a “doggy bag” from restaurants. 他经常带狗食袋回家

      Are you pregnant?

      I’m full.

      = I’m stuffed.

      =I’m up to here.

      = I’m fit to burst.


      There were too many leftovers 还剩下不少……

      Left-over pizza can be a delicious lunch the next day.剩下的比萨明天当午餐应该不错。

      Would you wrap this for me?剩下的能帮我打包吗?

      It is so embarrassing.太不好意思了。

      Wrap 是盖住(cover),包裹的意思

      Wrap the chicken in foil and cook it for two hours.用锡箔纸包住鸡肉,烹调两小时。

      保鲜膜在英国叫clingfilm , 在美国叫 plastic wrap.

      Could you put some clingfilm( plastic wrap)over the salad?帮我用保鲜膜盖住沙拉,好么?

      Can I have a doggy bag,please? 以家里有狗狗为借口打包。

      Waste not, want not.勤俭节约,吃穿不缺。

      上一篇:天哪,美国人这样说英语5-65: can you give me a ballpark figure? 下一篇:天哪,美国人这样说英语5-67: skeletons in the closet 难道,老外家的衣橱里藏有一两款骸骨

