Don’t worry. Every cloud has a silver lining!
Every cloud has a silver lining!即使在最坏的情况下,也还是有希望的!
This really is a tough situation! 情况真的很糟糕。
Every coin has two sides.事情都有两面性。
I feel blue.我情绪低落。
Turn blue: Your face turn blue.你的脸冻得发青。
Talk a blue streak 就是指说话像连珠炮一样快。
Once in a bluemoon 十分罕见,千载难逢
Out of the blue 晴天霹雳: out of the blue, she told me…… 晴天霹雳,她告诉我……
Q: what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
A: A blackboard
Q: If you dropped a tomato on your toe, would it hurt much?
A: Yes, if it were in a can!
Can you give me a ballpark figure? 你能告诉我一个大概的数字吗?
Everyone has a skeleton in the clost.每个人都有不为人知的秘密。
Can I have a doggy bag, please?可以帮我打包吗?
Better safe than sorry.放缓于未然。
You got ripped off. 你被骗了。
Let’s break the ice. 我们缓和下气氛吧。
My hard work went up in smoke.我的努力功亏一篑了。
Not a chance!不可能!
I got it straight from the horses’mouth.我有内部消息。
Something smells fishy.事有蹊跷。
My lips are sealed.我不会说的。
Flattery will get you no where.阿谀奉承对你没好处。
You’re fit as a fiddle.你看起来非常健康。
I’m tying the knot this month.我这个月结婚。
She is too fickle.她很花心。
Don’t be such a wuss all the time.你不可能总是这么软弱!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我。
Your love handles are so cute.你的大肚子很可爱。
What’s the bottom line?重点是什么?
I’m just feeling a little blue.我感觉有点忧郁。