Hello, I am Mary Marchel with the BBC news.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Barack Obama has said the failure to tackle gun control has been the greatest frustration of his presidency. He said United States was the only advanced nation that did not have sufficient gun safety legislation even in the face of repeated mass killings. The president was speaking to our North American editor John S. He talked about gun, the frustration the fact that he felt.
He seemed stunned by the fact that since 9.11, fewer than one hundred Americans have died in attacks of terror but tens of thousands have died because of gun violence. He said that he would continue for the next 18 months to try to make progress on this. Did I sense any confidence on that particular issue? Not really. President Obama pushed protective restrictions after the Sandy Hooke school killings in 2012 but subsequent bill about ban assault rifles was defeated in congress.
他似乎对9·11时间非常震惊,有不到一百人死于恐怖袭击,但是有成百上千的人死于枪支暴乱袭击。他表示,他将在未来的18个月内继续说服国会关注枪支问题。要问我在这件事情上有把握吗,我也没有确定的把握。2012年Sandy Hooke学校枪击事件后,奥巴马促成保护性限制条例,但是之后国会否决了关于限制枪支骚扰限制法案。
Mr Obama suggested that Britain must continue to be a member of the European Union if it wishes to retain its global influence. He said the United States wanted to make sure that Britain continued to access its influence in the EU. The British government will hold a EU membership referendum at the end of 2017. A spokesman for the British Prime Minister said the referendum aimed to address the concerns that British people about Europe.
US officials say Turkey has agreed to allow American military planes to use the Turkish airbase in Incirlik in the campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. J.B. reports from Washington.
The deal comes as the Turkey’s involvement in the Syria’s crisis has deepened in recent days. A suicide bomber with suspected ties to Islamic State killed 32 people in the border town of Suruc and state media has reporting the Turkish jets hit ISIS targets in Syria after militants opened fire on the border post killing a Turksih Soldier. If confirmed, that would be the first rocket combat between Turkish forces and Islamic State fighters. Allowing the US to use the Incirlik base would broaden the reach of areas, assault some of the extremist group and help Turkey protect its 800 kilometer border with Syria.
The US Secretary of State John Kerry has hit back a republican critics of nuclear deal struck with Iran saying it was fantasy to suggest that any better agreement to be impossible. A is here in Washington. Mr. Kerry said negotiators from six world powers have set out dismantled Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons and that’s what they achieved. But the committee chairman said the deal conceded too much to Tehran. The Republic Senator John Brussel believes the deal will lead to instability.
” I think we are going to see a nuclear armed race in the Middle East. I met with the Saudi Foreign Minister. I met with leaders about their countries and I am concerned we are going to see a demand for nuclear weapons in Saudi Arabia, in the Emirates, in Egypt, in Turkey.”
You are listening to the latest world news from the BBC.
United Nations Human Rights Committee has called on Canada to take urgent action to protect indigenous women and girls from rising levels of violence. The UN panels said Canada needed a national inquiry to investigate hundreds of murders in disappearances in recent years.
A retrial has begun in Guatemala city of the former military leader Efrain Rios Montt who is found guilty two years ago of genocide in human rights abuses. He was accused responsibility for the deaths of thousands of people from Guatemala’s indigenous Ixil community during his rule in the early 1980s. But General Rios Montt had his 80 years sentence overturned after his lawyers argured there’d been areas of process.
危地马拉法院重审两年前犯有种族灭绝罪的原军事领导人Efrain Rios Montt。他被控诉在他20世纪80年代早期执政时杀害危地马拉伊希尔部落的成千上万的土著居民。但是Efrain Rios Montt将军表示,他的律师辩解有进一步认证空间后,判决他80年的有期徒刑被推翻。
United States has asked Paraguay to extradite Nicolas Leoz , the former president of South America’ football confederation. Mr. Leoz was one of the main suspects in the huge bribery scandle being investigated by the US justice department. The former member of FIFA executive is currently being held under house arrest. In neighboring Bolivia, a former treasurer of the South American federation has been arrested for corruption. Two more officials turned themselves in.
American space agnecy NASA has announced the discovery of the first near earth’s size planet in the habitable zone of a star very similar to our sun. The new planet dubbed Kepler-452b orbits a star at a distance which means it’s not too hot, not to cold to support water and essential ingredients for life. Jeff Coughlin is a Kepler research scientist.
” You and I probably won’t be traveling to the planet, you know, there are some unexpected risks there. But you know our children’s children’s children may. Kepler’s first step were finding out if planet like her a common, the answer seemed so far to be yes. You know the next step is to launch a next series of admission which will find a planet, there are, you know, closer to her. Things can be studying more in detail. And we can find those planets, you know that gives humankind something to shoot for.”
BBC news
Hello, I am Mary Marchel with the BBC news.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC, Barack Obama has said the failure to tackle gun control has been the greatest frustration of his presidency. He said United States was the only advanced nation that did not have sufficient gun safety legislation even in the face of repeated mass killings. The president was speaking to our North American editor John S. He talked about gun, the frustration the fact that he felt. He seemed stunned by the fact that since 9.11, fewer than one hundred Americans have died in attacks of terror but tens of thousands have died because of gun violence.
He said that he would continue for the next 18 months to try to make progress on this. Did I sense any confidence on that particular issue? Not really. President Obama pushed protective restrictions after the Sandy Hooke school killings in 2012 but subsequent bill about ban assault rifles was defeated in congress.
Mr Obama suggested that Britain must continue to be a member of the European Union if it wishes to retain its global influence. He said the United States wanted to make sure that Britain continued to access its influence in the EU. The British government will hold a EU membership referendum at the end of 2017. A spokesman for the British Prime Minister said the referendum aimed to address the concerns that British people about Europe.
US officials say Turkey has agreed to allow American military planes to use the Turkish airbase in Incirlik in the campaign against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. J.B. reports from Washington. The deal comes as the Turkey’s involvement in the Syria’s crisis has deepened in recent days.
A suicide bomber with suspected ties to Islamic State killed 32 people in the border town of Suruc and state media has reporting the Turkish jets hit ISIS targets in Syria after militants opened fire on the border post killing a Turksih Soldier. If confirmed, that would be the first rocket combat between Turkish forces and Islamic State fighters. Allowing the US to use the Incirlik base would broaden the reach of areas, assault some of the extremist group and help Turkey protect its 800 kilometer border with Syria.
The US Secretary of State John Kerry has hit back a republican critics of nuclear deal struck with Iran saying it was fantasy to suggest that any better agreement to be impossible. A is here in Washington. Mr. Kerry said negotiators from six world powers have set out dismantled Iran’s ability to build nuclear weapons and that’s what they achieved. But the committee chairman said the deal conceded too much to Tehran. The Republic Senator John Brussel believes the deal will lead to instability.
” I think we are going to see a nuclear armed race in the Middle East. I met with the Saudi Foreign Minister. I met with leaders about their countries and I am concerned we are going to see a demand for nuclear weapons in Saudi Arabia, in the Emirates, in Egypt, in Turkey.”
You are listening to the latest world news from the BBC.
United Nations Human Rights Committee has called on Canada to take urgent action to protect indigenous women and girls from rising levels of violence. The UN panels said Canada needed a national inquiry to investigate hundreds of murders in disappearances in recent years.
A retrial has begun in Guatemala city of the former military leader Efrain Rios Montt who is found guilty two years ago of genocide in human rights abuses. He was accused responsibility for the deaths of thousands of people from Guatemala’s indigenous Ixil community during his rule in the early 1980s. But General Rios Montt had his 80 years sentence overturned after his lawyers argured there’d been areas of process.
United States has asked Paraguay to extradite Nicolas Leoz , the former president of South America’ football confederation. Mr. Leoz was one of the main suspects in the huge bribery scandle being investigated by the US justice department. The former member of FIFA executive is currently being held under house arrest. In neighboring Bolivia, a former treasurer of the South American federation has been arrested for corruption. Two more officials turned themselves in.
American space agnecy NASA has announced the discovery of the first near earth’s size planet in the habitable zone of a star very similar to our sun. The new planet dubbed Kepler-452b orbits a star at a distance which means it’s not too hot, not to cold to support water and essential ingredients for life. Jeff Coughlin is a Kepler research scientist.
” You and I probably won’t be traveling to the planet, you know, there are some unexpected risks there. But you know our children’s children’s children may. Kepler’s first step were finding out if planet like her a common, the answer seemed so far to be yes. You know the next step is to launch a next series of admission which will find a planet, there are, you know, closer to her. Things can be studying more in detail. And we can find those planets, you know that gives humankind something to shoot for.”
BBC news