50. Cherishing What You Have Now, and Striving for the Future (II)
50. 珍惜现在,把握未来(2)
All Above all, however, have a purpose in life. Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated. Live with a perpetual sense of urgency. And make at least part of that purpose about something bigger than you.
There are great careers. There are also great causes.
At least let some of them into your lives. Giving lifts the heart in a way that getting never can. Maybe it really was Oscar Wilde who said: "No one ever died, saying if only I had one more day at the office."
One small but shocking sentence: each year three million children die in Africa from preventable disease or conflict.
The key word? Preventable.
When all is said and done, there is usually more said than done.
Be a doer not a commentator. Seek responsibility rather than shirk it. People often ask me about leadership, I say: leadership is about wanting the responsibility to be on your shoulders, not ignoring its weight but knowing someone has to carry it and, reaching out for that person to be you. Leaders are heat-seekers not heat-deflectors.