I like being a congressman because I am fond of helping people. Many citizens think that it is an easy job, but in fact, it is very different. I get many calls from people who need things or want to complain about someone. Often, I do not have the answer.
Last week, a constituent contacted me and asked me to help him construe an article contained within the constitution. I had to hire a lawyer as a consultant. After consulting the lawyer, I was able to give the constituent some constructive suggestions and to constrain him to follow the law.
Consumers often call to complain about bad products or bad services. I recall one instance where a man complained that a restaurant had contaminated his container of food. He was very angry and showed no constraint. Fortunately, he did not consume the bad food. I asked him to contemplate who might have done it. At my request, he constructed a time line of the previous day’s events. We concluded that, after he departed the restaurant, he had momentarily left his food container within the reach of some monkeys in his laboratory. He conceded that the monkeys were probably responsible for the partial consumption of his food and the soiling of his food container.
Other voters call for emergency reasons. For example, one person called to report the outbreak of a contagious disease that constricts breathing. I had no idea what he was talking about. All I could do was to notify the local police and the World Health Organization.
The position of congressman truly constitutes several different jobs.
constituent n. 成分,要素
constitute vt. 建立(政府),组成,构成
constitution n. 组织,宪法
constrain n. 约束,限制
constrict vt. 约束;收缩;压紧;堵塞
construct vt. 建造;创立
constructive adj. 建设性的,有积极效果的
construe v. 解释,把。。。理解为
consult vt. 咨询,请教
consultant n. 顾问,咨询者
consume vt. 消费,消耗;大吃大喝
consumer n. 消费者
consumption n. 消耗,消费
contact vt. 使接触,与。。。联系
contagious adj. 传染性的,会感染的
contain vt. 包含,容纳
container n. 容器,集装箱
contaminate vt. 弄脏,污染,感染
contemplate v. 沉思,对……做周密考虑