I was a code breaker for the Navy corps. Our battleship was assigned to convoy an aircraft carrier to the Caribbean Sea. Our ship’s captain was in charge of coordination the voyage. We had a special cosmopolitan crew that was trained to cooperate with an international military force. Our mission of cooperation was to help restore order to a region whose government had suffered from years of corruption.
On the thirteenth night if the voyage, there was a convivial party below the deck. Without warning, our ship hit something big. We rushed on deck to find that had broken off, exposing a huge steel hull below. Years of exposure to the corrosive effects of salt water had corroded parts of the hull. Through the corrosion, we could see that it was a battleship. We sent divers into the hull to investigate. At the core of the hull, they found a strange copper coffin.
We brought it on board and opened it below the deck. We found a corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence. The correspondence was written in what appeared to be cosmic code. I was able to correlate the code to letters in the English language. The result was shocking.
It was a warning letter from the last survivor of the sunken ship. “Stay out of the Bermuda area,” it said. Just then, I felt a huge wave roll over our ship. Our ship began to sink. I tumbled to the floor and lost consciousness. Then I heard a loud voice.
“Hey, wake up!” my roommate yelled.
convivial adj. 欢乐的,快乐的
convoy v. 护航,护送
cooperate vi. 合作
cooperation n. 合作,协作
coordinate vt. 使。。。协调,相配合
copper n. 铜
coral reef 珊瑚礁
core n. 中心,核心;地核
corps n. 军团,兵团
corpse n. 尸体
corpulent adj. 肥胖的,肥大的,臃肿的
correlate vt. 使。。。相互关联;使相互影响
correspondence n. 通信,信件;相似,类似
corrode v. 使腐蚀,侵蚀
corrosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀
corrosive adj. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的
corruption n. 腐败,贪污,堕落
cosmic adj. 宇宙的
cosmopolitan adj. 世界性的,包含全世界的,遍布全世界的