“One should never investigate a case in a desultory manner,” said Tom. He slowly detached his pair of silver handcuffs from his police belt. “We’re going to detain the suspect pending further investigation.” He put the detached handcuffs on the suspect’s wrists. “My nose detects the presence of blood.”
“You’re an amazing detective, Tom,” I said. “I didn’t know that blood had a detectable odor. If it is blood, our suspect might be spending the rest of his life in detention. Do you think that a life sentence will deter other people from committing crimes?”
“Perhaps it will deter a few people,” Tom responded. “I think a death sentence is a much better deterrent,” he said, smirking. “Look here. It appears that he tried to use detergent to clean up the blood. Now we have to determine whether to apply to Judge Firecracker’s court for a search warrant. Blood will deteriorate search warrant, it might be too late. I detest delays.”
“Tom, I strongly recommend that we wait for the warrant,” I advised. “Legality should be the determinant. If the search is later declared illegal by the court, it will be very detrimental to our case. I think waiting a few days won’t detract from our investigation.”
“汤姆,我强烈建议我们等到搜查令再说。”我劝他说,“合法性应该是决定因素。 如果我们的搜查事后被法院宣布为违法,那对我们的案件侦破是很不利的。我想等几天也不会有损于我们的调查的。”
“I guess you’re right,” Tom replied. “Searching without a warrant could prove to be a detriment. Besides, if Judge Firecracker ever found out, it would create a temper detonation that would blow the roof off the courthouse. ”
desultory adj. 不连贯的,散漫的
detach v. 使分开,使分离
detached adj. (房屋)独栋的,分离的;超然的,客观的
detain vt. 使延迟,拘留
detect vt. 察觉,发觉;探测,侦查
detectable adj. 可发觉的,可查明的
detective adj. 侦探的;n. 侦探
detention n. 拘留,留置
deter vt. 吓住,使断念
detergent n. 清洁剂
deteriorate v. 使恶化;质量下降
determinant n. 决定因素
determination n. 决心;果断
determine vt. 决定;确定
deterrent n. 制止物;威慑力量
detest vt. 深恶,憎恨
detonation n. 爆炸,爆炸声
detract v. 诽谤,贬低
detriment n. 伤害,危害