“This expedition has been a fiasco,” exclaimed Terry. “I can’t believe I’m eating plant fiber. I spent a fitful night in the mud. My shirt smells fishy and I’m wearing filthy socks. I’m already beginning to feel feverish.” Terry and Matt were doing field research and Terry didn’t like it very much.
“I guess our fitness really came in handy,” Matt said. He felt his stomach to see if it was still firm. “It’s not so bad. We have an excellent water filter. We wake every morning to the sound of a finch singing. We haven’t come across any fierce animals. You know, we’re lucky that the school financed our entire trip. It was pretty expensive. I know because I looked in the teacher’s fiscal file. Anyway, if you feel down-hearted, just think of all the beautiful girls that we’re going to meet when we become famous field researchers.”
“You’ve been reading too many fictional stories,” Terry said. “Besides, you already have a girlfriend, don’t you? What happened to your belief in fidelity?”
“I’m not being fickle,” said Matt. “It’s just a figment of your imagination,” replied Matt. “Why don’t you make us some breakfast?”
“Who do you think you are, a king?” laughed Terry. “You’re just the figurehead for this expedition.”
“Yes, but you’re the one with more finesse,” said Matt. “Especially when it comes to flipping fried eggs.”
feverish adj. 发烧的;兴奋的
fiasco n. 惨败,大失败
fiber n. 纤维
fickle adj. (爱情或友谊上)易变的,不坚定的
fiction n. 小说,(虚构的)故事
fictional adj. 虚构的
fidelity n. 忠实,忠诚
field research 野外实地考察
fierce adj. 凶猛的
figment n. 臆造的事物,虚构的事物
figurehead n. 装饰船头的雕像,破浪神;有名无实的首脑,傀儡
file n. 档案;行列,纵队;v. 归档;提出申请
filter vt. 过滤;n. 过滤器
filthy adj. 肮脏的,邪恶的,猥亵的
finance n. 财政,拨款;vt. 资助
finch n. 雀类
finesse n. 精密技巧,灵巧;手腕,手段
firm adj. 结实的,坚定的
fiscal adj. 财政的,国库的
fishy n. 鱼的,鱼味的
fitful adj. 一阵阵的,间歇的,不定的
fitness n. 健康;适合