The restaurant is fittingly called, “Taste of Italy”. Above the entrance is a fixed flagpole. Hanging from the pole is a large Italian flag. The flagpole has been a fixture since the building was first opened a century ago. Alice and Bessie entered the restaurant with high expectations.
“Almost everyone eating here has a flabby stomach,” Alice whispered. The flash of a lighter and the flare of a lit cigarette caught Alice’s attention. “And look at that flagrant violation of the no-smoking law,” Alice added. “The waitress with the flashlight looks flighty. However, that waiter over there dressed in a red jacket looks like he has a flamboyant personality. We should sit in his section.”
“You have a flair for observation,” Bessie said. “Let’s sit down.” They made their way to a small table in the waiter’s section. “Look how flimsy their menus are.” Bessie giggled. “That reminds me. Are you still working on your flexibility?”
“Yes,” Alice replied. “I’d like a flexible desk lamp. Speaking of light, aren’t these flickering candles romantic?”
“Yes,” Bessie answered. “And I think I’m falling in love with the flavoring on this baked chicken. Do you think they flay the chicken before they bake it?”
“It looks like it,” replied Alice. “It also looks like they put flakes on it before they flavor it with tomato sauce. Hey, that Italian man is looking at you. I think he likes you.”
“Stop it,” Bessie said. “It was only a fleeting glance. Do you think he’s handsome?”
“Aren’t they all?” Alice chuckled.
fittingly adv.适当地
fixed adj.固定的,不变的
fixture n.固定物,设备
flabby adj.(肌肉等)不结实的,松驰的
flag n.旗,标记vi.衰退,低落
flagrant adj.罪恶昭彰的,明目张胆的
flair n.才能,本领
flake v.使成薄片,雪片般落下n.薄片,玉米
flamboyant adj.艳丽的,炫耀的,火焰似的
flare n.闪光,闪耀vi.闪光,闪耀
flash n.闪光,闪现vi.闪光,反射
flashlight n.手电筒,闪光灯
flavor n.味,风味vt.加香味于
flavoring n.调味品,调料
flay v.剥皮,严厉指责
fleeting adj.短暂的,飞逝的
flexible adj.易弯曲的,柔软的,变通的
flexibility n.灵活性
flickering adj.闪烁的,摇
flighty adj.(行径,性格)轻浮的,不稳定的,好做奇想的
flimsy adj.轻而薄的,不结实的