"A torn membrane can be a massive thing to mean, quite a menace actually,” Graig Aclan said to himself, shaking his head as he tackled the customers’ loudspeaker system. And besides, a task like this is the most minion type of work imaginable. There is very little merit in it.
The sun had reached its meridian, and Graig was ready for his lunch break. He stepped outside and had a look at the greenage observatory. The sight of the zero meridian, the sight of the splendid building mesmerized him and he began to philosophies.
“If only I listened to my Dad and become a merchant,” he mused with regret, “fate would surely be much more merciful to me than it is now, a life as a mercantile agent, that would be good one.”
Sending memorandums, shipping merchandise around the world, arranging companies to merge, those were the kinds of activities Graig is daydreaming about.
“What’s on the menu today?” he enquired as he stepped into the Goose & Dog, his favorite pub in the area.
“Food’s off for the next 2 weeks, the kitchen is being renovated.” Said Bridget, the bar maid. “Didn’t you read the memo we sent you?”
“I can’t memorize every single memo I get in my email, especially if it’s nothing memorable.” Graig grumbled with discontent, and stepped back out of the pub.
With a jolt, he realized that today was a memorable day, his father had passed away exactly one year ago and at 3 o’clock there would be a memorial service. He quickly grabbed a sandwich at the shop next to the pub and rushed home, so as not to be late. He forgot all about the loudspeaker system with the torn membrane.
membrane n. 膜,薄膜
memo n. 备忘录
memorable adj. 难忘的
memorandum n. 备忘录,便笺
memorial n. 纪念物 adj. 纪念的
memorize vt. 纪念,记忆,记住
menace n. 危险物 vt. 威吓,胁迫
mend vt. 修补,改进
menial adj. 仆人的,卑贱的
menu n. 菜单,选择单
mercantile adj. 商业的,贸易的
merchandise n. 商品
merchant n. 商人
merciful adj. 仁慈的,宽大的
merge v. (使)合作,(使)融合
meridian n. 子午线
merit n. 优点,价值
mesmerize vt. 施催眠术,使人迷,迷住
messy adj. 肮脏的,凌乱的,杂乱的