John: Hey, Se-Jin, what’s wrong with you? You look so down!
Se-Jin: Nothing.
John: I know it’s not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. You must have a broken heart.
Se-Jin: Well, you’re right. I just broke up with Alice.
John: Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you two were made for each other.
Se-Jin: Well, you never know. I want to settle down, but she wants a career while she’s still young.
John: Well, it’s always difficult to choose between career and family.
Se-Jin: Maybe you’re right.
John: I don’t know what to say to comfort you, but try to cheer up!
Se-Jin: Yeah, but it’s hard to forget her at the moment. You know, we were together for almost three years.
John: There’s lots more fish in the sea and you’ll find your perfect match!