Se-Jin: john, do you mind if I ask you something?
John: No, what is it?
Se-Jin: you seem nervous. Is that big guy still bullying you?
John: Yeah. Today he wanted me to give him some money. He even pushed me when I said no.
Se-Jin: That’s terrible! You have to talk to a teacher about this.
John: I thought about that, but I’m afraid that everyone will think I’m a coward.
Se-Jin: your safety is more important than what other people think.
John; But telling a teacher could make things worse. The big guy warned me not to .
Se-Jin: Of course he did! He doesn’t want to get into trouble. Look, if you’re still worried, tell the teacher not to mention your name when she talks to him.
John: Good idea. But I think I can deal with him on my own.