The benedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary ---------- that permits very little ---------- .
(A) text ... clarity
(B) work ... tradition
(C) genre ... deviation
(D) oration ... grandiloquence
(E) achievement ... rigidity
在本题中,"strict form"构成被解释的对象,其后的同位语及定语从句分别对form的 strict作复述式的解释。作为同位语,空格Ⅰ应是form的同义词,则(C) genre最为接近。定语从句中的复述采用了常见的双重否定法。little为第一重否定,故空格Ⅱ应是strict的反义词,则(C) deviation为正确。
genre: 1.类型,体裁,式样 2.风俗画
grandiloquence: 大言不惭,夸张
例 Ⅱ:
He was regarded by his followers as something of ----------, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his ---------- adherence to formal details.
(A) a martinet ... rigid
(B) an authority ... sporadic
(C) a tyrant ... reluctant
(D) a fraud ... conscientious
(E) an acolyte ... maniacal
空格Ⅰ为被解释的对象,其后的两个because of结构在表示原因的同时进行解释。从"insistence on strict discipline" 和 "adherence to formal details"可推知这类为人(A) martinet。
martinet: 严格执行军纪的军官,恪守纪律和规章制度的人
fraud: 欺诈,骗局
acolyte: 1.侍僧,教士助手 2.侍从,追随者
maniacal: 躁狂的,疯狂的
例 Ⅲ:
He was widely regarded as a ---------- man because he revealed daily his distrust of human nature and human motives.
(A) disrespectful
(B) cynical
(C) confused
(D) misinformed
(E) fanatical
与上一道题类似,本题后半部分以原因状语从句的形式在解释前半部分。从"distrust of human nature and human motives"可推断出(B) cynical。
cynical: 愤世嫉俗的,(对人性和动机)怀疑的
fanatical: 狂热的,入迷的