教程:GRE填空  浏览:332  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
      第一,OG官方真题和老GRE题目的对比。通过对比我们会发现,在OG和PP 2中直接照搬老GRE题目的情况一共出现了29次,其中单空题直接照搬18次,老双空题改新双空题1次,老单空题改Sentence Equivalence(以下简称SE)10次。这说明官方的真题中有约20%均来自于老GRE的题目或对其修改,这证明老GRE和新GRE的命题思路仍然是一致的,只不过是在出题的形式上发生了变化。


      第三,新GRE考试在考查词汇的核心解释和题材时仍然和老GRE一致。如以前机经中出现sympathetic一次表示支持的(favorably inclined)含义,让很多新GRE考试非常陌生,其实如果他能把老GRE考试做透,就会发现sympathetic这个词义的考法很早就出现在了中国大陆地区90年代的考试中。又如今年5月10日的一道三空题目以cowbird把鸟蛋生在别人的鸟窝里为背景,原题如下:

      The cowbird can seem a rather comical creature with a slow, awkward walk and often upraised tail. Less _________ is the cowbirds‘ habit of laying their eggs in the nests of other birds. The ________ nesters will usually accept the cowbird egg and raise the baby cowbird as their own. Unfortunately, cowbird eggs hatch sooner than the eggs of other species and the young cowbirds _________, using their size to their advantage in getting more food from the parents.

      Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

      A. amusing D. feckless G. grow quickly

      B. painful E. resistant H. leave the nest

      C. galling F. unwitting I. share their food


      If animal parents were judged by human standards, the cuckoo would be one of nature's more----creatures, blithely laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, and leaving the incubating and nurturing to them.

      (A) mettlesome

      (B) industrious

      (C) domestic

      (D) lackluster

      (E) feckless


      第四, 新GRE的句子结构仍然能找到老GRE的影子。


      Medieval cathedrals still stand as marvels of architecture, but as far as modern science is concerned, medieval physics and chemistry are simply irrelevant, at best a dead end, at worst the very __ of what science is supposed to be. (2014.2.23机经题目)

      A. exemplar

      B. glorification

      C. reflection

      D. dilution

      E. antithesis

      Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a----between them. (老GRE真题)

      (A) generality

      (B) fusion

      (C) congruity

      (D) dichotomy

      (E) reciprocity

      这两句话粗看没有任何联系,不过仔细观察你就会发现,这两句话都是一种对于递进关系的考查,前者是对irrelevant的向at worst方向的递进,后者是no necessary link向quite possibly方向的递进,而两道题目的答案竟然也惊人的相似,都是表示矛盾对立的词(E. antithesis和D. dichotomy)。


      上一篇:GRE填空学会使用中文信息 下一篇:GRE填空练习题精选2


