Even the reader acquainted with the outlines of Pushkin’s biography will be (i) ___ the (ii) ___ so vividly conveyed in Binyon’s biography. Not only was Pushkin’s personal correspondence intercepted and his movements (iii) ___ , but Tsar Nicholas I’s decision to oversee Pushkin’s career obliged Pushkin to submit all his manuscripts for inspection.
Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)
A. attracted to D. suffocating lack of creative freedom G. ignored
B. confused by E. concern for contemporary society H. monitored
C. struck by F. underlying sense of historical change I. commended
原句翻译:即便是之前了解普希金生平概略的读者也会被 B 所作的传记震撼,其中鲜活地描述了普希金所处的令人窒息的环境,毫无创作自由。沙皇尼古拉斯一世不但切断普希金与外界的私人书信往来,监视他的活动,而且还迫使普希金交出所有的手稿,全方位审查他的写作。
suffocating 令人窒息的
concern for contemporary society 对时局的关注
commend 推荐,称赞,委托
在 Not only 分句中,and 连接的两个成分是比较明显的并列关系,我们首先确定了第三空只能是 “监视” ,进而后半句解锁的内容告诉我们沙皇对普希金的所作所为,也就解决了第二空 “令人窒息,不给任何创作自由” 。