Therefore, the online game has become one of the most popular ways of entertainment. Based on the report of 2007 online games investigation, there are some important features about Chinese online gamers:
1) The amount of players who are studying in high school or working in IT-related fields rank(列……) the top two, account for 19% and 10% respectively.
1) 中国网络游戏用户中,高中学生和IT从业人员最多,分别占19%和10%。
2) Most players are 19 to 35 years old, and gamers aged between 20 and 29 account for 60% of the whole players.
2) 网游用户以19至35岁之间的人群居多,其中20-29这个年龄段的用户占用户总数的60%。
3) The players who are well-educated have taken up 59% in online game market.
3) 在整个网游市中,接受过高等教育的用户所占比例高达59%。
4) 45% of online gamers are female, but the female roles played in games just account for 38%.
4) 女性玩家约占45%,但在游戏中使用女性角色的只占38%。
5) The amount of players in the coastal areas is larger than the amount of middle and west areas. Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shanghai are top three.
5) 沿海地区的网游用户数量远高于中西部地区,广东、江苏和上海分列前三位。
1. average adj. 平均的
例句:it's a pity that I'm going to die or die too soon, but at least I'm getting more than the average.
2. Therefore adv. 因此;所以
例句:Therefore, we have the chance to innovate and to solve those problems. So, I think there are hopes for that.
3. investigation n. 调查;调查研究
例句:Can we keep this for our investigation? 我们能留着这个作调查吗?