For the second year in a row, female CEOs earned more...
...and received bigger raises than their male counterparts...
...but experts say gender parity at the top remains way off.
After all, only a small sliver of the largest companies are run by women.
The median pay for a female CEO was nearly 18 million dollars last year,...
...up about 13 percent from 2014.
By comparison, male CEOs' median pay was 10.5 million dollars up just three percent from earlier...
...but the jump is largely due to a small sample size.
Only 17 of the 341 CEOs analyzed by Equilar and the AP were women.
Of the 10 highest paid CEOs on the list, only one was a woman:...
...Yahoo's Marissa Mayer, whose own position is in jeopardy...
...amid questions about the company's future.