Research suggests that America's first in, last out office culture... not leading to improved productivity.
In fact, it is leading to less productivity and poor work.
We've all been told that the key to success is to work harder than anybody.
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said,...
"I'm not smarter than anybody else, but I can outwork you."
"And my key to success for you or anyone else..."
" to make sure you are the first one in there every day..."
"...and the last one out to leave. "
Entrepreneur Elon Musk also put it pretty succinctly,...
"If someone works 40 hours per week and you work 100 hours per week,..."
"'ll get what they get out of a year in four months."
But is that really true, taking into account fatigue and distractions?
Maybe the answer is to work smarter, not harder.