媒体英语大集合:02 思考之老师
教程:媒体英语大集合(初级)  浏览:1199  
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    I am who I am because I had a great teacher.

    I learned not to sweat the small stuff.

    I learned that you can approach knowledge with a sense of wonder and fun.

    I am who I am.

    I am who I am.

    I am who I am.

    A great teacher is a work of art.

    A great teacher is key to success.

    A great teacher can change a life.

    A great teacher changed my life.

    Linda Bowie.

    Hunter Frost.

    Mr. Isaacson.

    Mr. Cone.

    I learned that I didn't need to be like everybody else.

    I learned that everything is possible.

    I didn't learn how to speak Spanish even though she was my Spanish teacher,...

    Mr. Isaacson, it's been a long time but thank you.

    Emily Darcy Lakesmith, thank you very much.

    Thank you, Hunter Frost.

    Mr. Quest, I thank you.

    Charlotte Pace, thank you.

    To each and every one of my teachers, thank you.

    ...but I did learn how to be myself.

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