Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th, 1856...
尼古拉·特斯拉生于1856年7月10日… the territory of modern day Croatia to his two Serbian parents.
Tesla grew up into a bright, inquisitive, yet eccentric child...
...who found himself fascinated by the world around him.
Tesla once attempted to generate electricity by rubbing two cats together,...
...which resulted in two very mad cats and a scratched up Tesla.
On June 6th, 1884, Tesla arrived in the United States.
He was hired by Thomas Edison to do basic electrical engineering,...
..but moved up to redesigning the direct current generators that ran Edison's business.
Tesla eventually left Edison's company and partnered with George Westinghouse in 1888...
特斯拉后来离开了爱迪生的公司, 在1888年与乔治•威斯汀豪斯进行合作… commercialize his system of alternating current.
The problem here is that alternating current competed with direct current,...
...which Thomas Edison built his entire monopoly on.
Thus began the War of the Currents.
Tesla's influence spreads much further than electricity.
He had over 700 patents and came up with ideas...
...such as robots, spark plugs, the electric arc lamp,... X-ray device, bladeless turbines,...
...wireless communication, laser technology, neon lights,...
...remote controls, cellular communication, the radio,... electrical bath to remove germs, radar, and much more.
Despite his fame and influence on the world,...
...he died with significant debts and all alone.
While Edison is known as the inventor of the century,...
...Tesla is only acknowledged as a paragraph in today's history books:...
..forgotten and unappreciated.
Thus ends the story of Nikola Tesla, genius and inventor.