Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.
The United Nation's envoy to Libya has just announced that warring factions have reached an agreement to form a national unity government,the deal was announced by the UN envoy Bernardino Leno at a news conference in Skhirat, Morocco. "After a year of work in this process, after working with more than 150 Libyan personalities from all the regions, finally, the moment has come, in which we can propose a national unity government. The agreement comes after months of talks between the rival groups. Two rival governments and various militia groups had been competing for power."
An American Defense official said four Russian cruise missiles launched from Caspian Sea towards targets in Syria have crushed in Iran. N B is in Washington. "Earlier today, the Secretary of Defense, Ash Cater, said Russia had launched the missiles without warning. And this evening, unnamed officials said four have gone up straight and crushed in Iran, without giving details of where they might have landed. Russia has insisted that all 26 hit their targets. Iran was in the fight path of the cruise missiles and state news agency did note an unknown flying object in a western province. But beyond that, Teheran has not commented." The American Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken by phone to his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, Moscow said they discussed the need to avoid incidents in Syria air space and how to coordinate to fight against the Islamic State.
美国国防官员称,四枚俄国从里海向伊朗发射的巡航导弹在叙利亚爆炸。N B从华盛顿发来报道。“今天早些时候,国防部长阿什卡特称俄罗斯没有发出警告就发射了导弹。今晚,不愿透露姓名的官员说,四名导弹径直发射并且在伊朗爆炸,对其爆炸点没有给出详细说明。俄罗斯坚持26枚导弹全部击中目标。伊朗在抗击巡航导弹的路径,该国国家新闻机构注意到了在西部省份的不明飞行物。但除此之外,德黑兰没有评论。“美国国务卿约翰·克里曾与俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫通过电话,莫斯科方面称他们讨论了避免在叙利亚领空出现事件的需求以及在对抗伊斯兰国家时如何协调工作。
The three top officials of world football's governing body FIFA has protested their innocence after they were suspended for 90 days over corruption allegations. The President Sepp Blatter said he would appeal and present evidence to show he did not engaged in any misconduct. Here's Alex Capstick. "Sepp Blatter, of course, has been a power figure in FIFA for 40 years, he has been president since 1998 despite the scandals, the controversy sworrowing around, he has been cleaned out the path. Now they've reached the very very top, surely, it is his time to go, but defiant as ever, he seems prepared to fight to clear his name and be back in his seat before next year's elections. The head of European football Michel Platini described the allegations against him as "fake" and vowed to fight them. FIFA's secretary general Jerome Valcke also denied any wrong doing.
世界足球的管理机构(国际足联)三名高级官员因指控腐败停职90天后发出无罪声明。主席布拉特表示,他将提出上诉,现在的证据显示他没有从事任何不当行为。Alex Capstick报道。“当然,布拉特在国际足联40年一直是权力人物, 尽管有丑闻,他自1998年以来一直担主席职位,争议一直不断,但他一直在清理着自己的道路。现在他们已经到了顶端,当然,他还要继续前进,但是一如既往的伴随着争议,他似乎准备明年的选举之前恢复他的名誉并坐回原来的位置。欧洲足球的负责人米歇尔•普拉蒂尼称,针对他的指控是“假”,并发誓要战斗。国际足联秘书长瓦尔克也否认他做错了
Spence Stone, an American airman held as a hero for helping prevent a terror attack on a French train, has been stabbed and seriously wounded in California. A United States air force official said he had been defending a friend,he is in a stable condition in hospital.
World news from the BBC.
The father of a young Saudia man facing execution of his country has told the BBC that his son is innocent and called for international pressure to help save his life. Mohammed al-Nimr said his son Ali had been put in solitary confinement. Ali al-Nimr was 17 when he was arrested in 2012, following anti-government protests.
The American pop singer and actress Selena Gomez has revealed that she underwent chemo theropy after being diagnosed with utter immune disease, lupus. Concerns were raised about the singer's health in 2013 when she cancelled part of her tour and checked into a rehabilitation center. She said the disease is now in remission.
The Mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, has resigned amid claims that he used the official credit cards to pay for family dinners. Prosecutors opened an investigation this week into the expenses. He insisted that the money has been spent legitimated on official entertainment, but agreed to pay it back by more than 22,000 dollars.
Researchers say DNA extracted from the remains of a man burried four and a half thousand years ago in Ethiopia has provided new evidence of a mass migration into Africa. An international team, for the first time, sequenced the complete genome of an ancient African. They say that a comparison of his genetic material with that of modern Africans supports the theory of a huge migration from Middle East to Africa about 3,000 years ago. Professor A M from Cambridge University led the research. "In Ethiopia, about 20%, or a fifth of the genome of people who live there right now is actually of the original genetic xx comes from these farness. But if it goes further than that, if we go even to the very corners of Africa, all the way to West Africa or South Africa, even populations we thought were purely African have five or six percent of their genome, that dates back to this western xx Asian farness."
研究人员称从埋葬在埃塞俄比亚四千多年前的男性残骸中提取的DNA为非洲大规模移民根提供了新证据的。一个国际研究小组,第一次完成了一个古代非洲人基因的完整排列组合。他们称残骸与现代非洲人的遗传物质的比较支持约3000年前从中东到非洲大规模迁徙理论。剑桥大学M教授主持了这项研究。“在埃塞俄比亚, 目前生活在那里约20%的人五分之一的基因实际上是来自这些原始基因的。但是如果它远不止这样,如果我们去到非洲的角落,一直到西非和南非,即使我们认为纯粹是非洲人口,他也有百分之五到六的基因可以追溯到西亚。
BBC news.
Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.
The United Nation's envoy to
An American Defense official said four Russian cruise missiles launched from Caspian Sea towards targets in
The three top officials of world football's governing body FIFA has protested their innocence after they were suspended for 90 days over corruption allegations. The President Sepp Blatter said he would appeal and present evidence to show he did not engaged in any misconduct. Here's Alex Capstick. "Sepp Blatter, of course, has been a power figure in FIFA for 40 years, he has been president since 1998 despite the scandals, the controversy sworrowing around, he has been cleaned out the path. Now they've reached the very very top, surely, it is his time to go, but defiant as ever, he seems prepared to fight to clear his name and be back in his seat before next year's elections. The head of European football Michel Platini described the allegations against him as "fake" and vowed to fight them. FIFA's secretary general Jerome Valcke also denied any wrong doing.
Spence Stone, an American airman held as a hero for helping prevent a terror attack on a French train, has been stabbed and seriously wounded in
World news from the BBC.
The father of a young Saudia man facing execution of his country has told the BBC that his son is innocent and called for international pressure to help save his life. Mohammed al-Nimr said his son Ali had been put in solitary confinement. Ali al-Nimr was 17 when he was arrested in 2012, following anti-government protests.
The American pop singer and actress Selena Gomez has revealed that she underwent chemo theropy after being diagnosed with utter immune disease, lupus. Concerns were raised about the singer's health in 2013 when she cancelled part of her tour and checked into a rehabilitation center. She said the disease is now in remission.
The Mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, has resigned amid claims that he used the official credit cards to pay for family dinners. Prosecutors opened an investigation this week into the expenses. He insisted that the money has been spent legitimated on official entertainment, but agreed to pay it back by more than 22,000 dollars.
Researchers say DNA extracted from the remains of a man burried four and a half thousand years ago in
BBC news.