两个船员,遵照船长的嘱咐,走上来帮助我们穿这些不透水的、沉甸甸的衣服;衣服是用橡胶制成的,没有缝,可以承担强大的压力,不受损伤。应当说这是一套又柔软又坚固的甲胄。上衣和裤于是连在一起的、裤脚下是很厚的鞋, 鞋底装有很重的铅铁板。上衣全部由铜片编叠起来,像铁甲一般保护着胸部,可以抵抗水的冲压,让肺部自由呼吸; 衣袖跟手套连在一起,很柔软,丝毫不妨碍两手的运动。
These perfected diving suits, it was easy to see, were a far cry from such misshapen costumes as the cork breastplates, leather jumpers, seagoing tunics, barrel helmets, etc., invented and acclaimed in the 18th century.
Conseil and I were soon dressed in these diving suits, as were Captain Nemo and one of his companions--a herculean type who must have been prodigiously strong. All that remained was to encase one's head in its metal sphere. But before proceeding with this operation, I asked the captain for permission to examine the rifles set aside for us.